[center][h2] Jen [/h2][/center] [color=aec957]"You said something?"[/color] Jen would say as his head stuck out curiously through a door. [color=aec957]"Oh man, I really got split from you guys. [/color] His voice getting muffled as the door closed and he scurried to meet the group. Another door would open but from a different floor. He would grunt annoyedly and close the door heading back. Jen was completely unfazed by Tayla's attempted barb. His annoyance was currently focused on this labyrinthian jail and the vexing effects of the divergence it had in getting him lost, among other woes that have plagued him since the group's arrival to this town. Eventually he thought he saw Týfurkh or perhaps one of the biggest guys that worked in the prison that matched his stature. [color=aec957] Hey there big guy! Finally glad to get to you guys. I hate walking through this place, and I can't to leave." [/color] He said smiling and attempted to give an almost pitifully weak back pat. Which wasn't him trying to be funny, but more of a safety precaution after getting banned from various pubs after multiple door destruction incidents.