[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230503/94a9d452135a680c540ecc1d7ba516ad.png[/img][/center][indent] There were [i]subterranean[/i] portions of the [i]old[/i] city. That was the most important thing to come out of this stupid orientation and the best thing he had heard all day. There was no way an academy of magic didn't have its secrets, and he needed something to occupy his time when he had nothing better to do. Of course, his curiosity was met with disdain. Unsurprising, Phoebus was obviously already spelling out that he was likely to get himself into shit. He supposed he could pretend to be a goody-two-shoes, but Professor Asshat had already looked elsewhere, dismissing him. Douche. Well, Phoebus knew what he was doing today. First day was always the best time to play it safe and explore everything he could see, he'd save the off-limits exploration once he got a handle of the place. He turned in place and noticed some prissy-looking chick looking at him. The hell was she looking at? What, was being among the plebeians offending her enriched senses? He ignored her and put his attention to the kid choking on his food. Plate full of food, already almost dying on the first day, and having been clearly surprised by the nerd with glasses sneaking up on him. Said nerd looked exceedingly uptight, but if he was willing to speak to Sir Chokes then he was probably looking for some sort of companionship. Both were likely waiting for the overseer to ask to get to their dormitories and likely had every intention of following whoever lead them. That made them the perfect accomplices. Phoebus outright snatched something doughy from Choking Kid's plate, taking a bite out of it. Nice, the sugar bun was warm and soft. [color=crimson]"Kinda rude to ask about someone's hair like that,"[/color] Phoebus told him, outright ignoring the irony of his statement. [color=crimson]"Planning on standing around, or want to look around the campus together?"[/color] He looked to Nerd Dude to make sure he knew that he was invited, too. [/indent]