[h2][center][b]The Beginning of the End[/b][/center][/h2] [center]A collaboration [@Fetzen][@Sol Grim][@Cyrania][@Timemaster][/center] Gwyn's eyes glanced around the room. There had to be something they could do, even against 15 guards and the madman. If only they could even the odds...The idea formed, her hand already starting to glow. She looked back to her companions. [color=teal]"Don't look.[/color] Then she threw the glow up into the air and the room exploded with a bright flash of light. Ashevelen woke up and straight away put her hand on the handle of her sword. Taking in the room, the ridiculous number of guards, and the crazy wizard she chuckled. They were [i]dead[/i]. That is until Gywn started doing her magical mumbo-jumbo. Covering her eyes instinctively, Ashe waited for whatever Gywn was supposed to do. Yet, after a few seconds, nothing happened. Turning towards her, she realized what she wanted to do. Light. Only a tiny fizzle appeared. That was not what she intended. "[Color=gold]Again. Don't look."[/color] said Ashe as she touched her dice and threw them on the floor with one hand as the other covered her eyes completely. They started to glow brightly before dissipating. [Hider=Luck Roll] 1d20 --> 18 Success [/hider] Nothing seemed to happen initially and then, suddenly, Gywn's spell got amplified. It started to grow and grow until it was like a small golden sun. Illuminating the whole room of the cavern. "[Color=gold]Now that's how it's done, Gwyn! Don't doubt luck ever again.[/color]" shouted Ashevelen as she drew her sword and went straight for the closest enemy. Due to the conditions of the dark cavern and their eyes not being used to bright light, the demonfolk screamed in unison. Some fell over, others covered their eyes in pain. All they could do was stumble about. The Ghastly man was protected by some sorcery. He understood their language and had already put up a barrier of sorts even before they had arrived. His minions weren't so lucky. Fyr closed his eyes as firmly as he could, turning his head away from the luminous blast so it would not affect him. Then, once he felt safe enough to start observing his surroundings again, he barely hesitated a moment long enough to verify that their opponents were indeed blinded before rushing forwards. How could this bastard even dare to touch his family heirlooms? [hider=Attack roll] 1d20+6 = 12 Success [/hider] What did subsequently touch the cavern's wall was the demonfolk's head. Fyr punched him in the face hard enough to not only break a nose but also to make the wall behind his enemy break something on the back of the demonfolk's head. Never before had the sound of wood and metal dropping onto the floor been so satisfying. Finally! Dalious backed up a few feet as the demonfolk poured into the room. He noticed one of them was wearing his gear, it was unmistakable. Planting a stance side by side with Fyr, the thought of death crept into his mind. This was a glorious way to meet an end. The pirate smirked, while twirling the spear he held swiftly from side to side. [color=steelblue]My name is Captain Dal...[/color] his words were cut short as Gwynaria made the first move. He heard her words and obeyed, pausing for the action to take place. [color=steelblue]"....Ahem, my name....."[/color] Then Ashevelen yelled for them to, again, close their eyes. As he did so, Dalious could almost feel the blinding light erupt. All the demonfolk guards were temporarily blinded. [color=steelblue]"...eh, f*ck it!"[/color] Dalious thrust his spear toward the guard wearing his equipment. [hider=attack roll] 1 d20+7 Success [/hider] The spear went straight through the guard's throat and out the other side. Pulling the dead guard back toward him, Dalious quickly took back his satchel and cutlass while dropping the spear and corpse to the floor. The familiar feeling of his personal sword's grip satisfied well. [color=steelblue]"Oh...oh, yeah."[/color] Cicero covered his face from the blast of light. When he regained his sight Cicero turned his back to the others and toward the hideous sorcerer. [color=orange][i]Did he call me, the 'fallen knight?'[/i][/color] Cicero began to shake in rage. He looked at Gwyn and stated, [color=orange]"I'm going."[/color] Cicero rushed the fiend with his longsword in one hand and magic-resistant shield in the other. But as he did so, a familiar face intervened. Out of some sort of shadow, Rhakkar appeared. He shouted in a bloody rage and blocked off Cicero's strike with one of his axes. Rhakkar's eyes were bloodred, and dripping with anger. Cicero spoke evenly to the demonfolk rival, [color=orange]"So you are behind this as well, Rhakkar. That is if you're even conscious."[/color] Rhakkar, growled in response. Suddenly he swung his other ax toward Cicero's neck. He barely had time to raise his shield and deflect the blow. Cicero grunted in surprise. The ghastly man grinned wildly. His teeth shimmered in the dark. He called out, "Thank you, Rhakkar. Please dispatch the dishonored knight while I deal with the rest." The sorcerer raised his pale white hand toward, Fyr. Mumbling a spell, Fyr could feel a drain on his body begin. It was subtle at first, but if it continued, it may end with him on the ground. Just barely after the tides of joy about having his family heirlooms back had started to die down, Fyr could sense something he had not experienced before. It was like a thousand bees stinking and a thousand ticks sucking all at the same time, but he was perfectly aware of the fact that neither of these two creatures was present even remotely. He raised his shield in an instant and turned on his heel to direct it towards where he felt the drain was coming, and when that didn't help, but he could see the ghastly man focusing on him, things became much more clear. Evil magic! If someone thought that Fyr couldn't do acrobatics due to his rather exquisite weight class (which would become even more exquisite after a lot of proper food he hoped!), then he was about to prove them wrong. With a loud grunt he lept forward and swung his axe backward so that it could gain more momentum, the round shield still held firmly in a raised position just in case this sorcerer would have anything more melee around as well. Then plan? Very straightforward: Just crash into this ghastly man and have his guts cut out for him. Or wherever else the axe would go as this was not intended to be any sort of precision attack, just one intended to do as much excruciating damage as possible in one go. Gwyn's hands quickly went to her bow. Not the best situation for archery, but she was not meant to be close quarters. Her attention immediately was drawn to Rhakkar's attack. If Cicero went toe to toe to him right now...She didn't have much power left. She notched her bow, aimed for Rhakkar's head, then let loose. [hider=attack roll] 1d20+2=15 Success [/hider] Taking advantage of the demonfolk guards still being blinded slightly, Dalious rushed forward and drove his blade deep into the nearest one's chest. He pushed the demonfolk off of his sword with a heavy kick, then spun around gracefully and sliced the next guard's head clean off. The blood shot out of the headless demonfolk like a fountain and showered those within range.[hider=attack roll] 1d20+7=26 Success [/hider] As the others selected their chosen enemies, Ashevelen was heading straight toward a blinded demonkin. [Hider=Attack Roll] 1d20+7 --> 12 Success [/hider] With a quick thrust, she plunged her sword into his throat and muttered a few words in demonkin. Immediately after she ran towards the next demonkin in hopes of killing more of them before they could stand up. Gwyn's shot missed Cicero and struck Rhakkar in his neck. He growled in rage, but the strength of his blows began to wane noticeably. Cicero caught his breath as Rhakkar stopped momentarily to regain his strength. Fyr's strike hit an invisible barrier. The ghastly man grinned maliciously. But then, with pure brute force, Fyr pushed with all his might on his ax. The barrier shattered like a dome of glass. His ax struck the man in the chest. Thumping against something hard. The man grunted in pain, coughing. "You'll pay for that!" He croaked. Gwyn smirked. Not too bad if she did say so herself. The movement of a guard getting closer met the corner of her eye. She swung around and fired, hitting right in the chest. Then Cicero attempted a strike at Rhakkar with his longsword but went wide. The two were at a standstill. Rhakkar clutched his neck with one hand, bleeding. With the other hand, he gripped his ax. Meanwhile, the Sorcerer raged at Fyr who went in for another strike at him. But rather than attempted to dodge or block the warrior's strike. He simply stood still. The ax cleaved through his body which fell to the ground in a pool of blood. But as he fell, his form shifted into one of the demonfolk. He appeared 10 meters away and mumbled some sorcerous speech. The ground beneath everyone glowed in lines of red. The ground was marked with a large spell! The blood from the fight had already soaked their surroundings. Suddenly, a huge portal opened in the very middle of the cavern. An enormous, smoky, dark, burning figure emerged from the abyss and called out with a heavy, bass voice that reverberated through the cavern, [color=9e0b0f]"I AM FINALLY FREE. ALL MY SERVANTS SHALL BE REWARDED."[/color][hider=Sealed One][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f283d4f2-9927-4dee-bf30-71d0206462c2/dd6o833-34897f02-c4fe-4924-aaea-eae2097652f9.jpg/v1/fill/w_1280,h_1557,q_75,strp/the_balrog_of_moria___durin_s_bane_by_donatoarts_dd6o833-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTU1NyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2YyODNkNGYyLTk5MjctNGRlZS1iZjMwLTcxZDAyMDY0NjJjMlwvZGQ2bzgzMy0zNDg5N2YwMi1jNGZlLTQ5MjQtYWFlYS1lYWUyMDk3NjUyZjkuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.KZrMZAwu4mD9ikxm1KKgj08y0KN4WZM301IdtLAJm7E[/img][/hider]The ghastly man was ecstatic, grinning from ear to ear, [color=ec008c]"Master, I have brought you the elf witch, dishonored knight, and a band of misfits for your pleasure."[/color] The smoky being stared at the group for a long time. Smoke billowing all around. Everyone was frozen in place as if making a move would incinerate them immediately. He called out, [color=9e0b0f]"COME!"[/color] His smoke wrapped around Cicereo, Rhakkar, and Gwyn in a single motion. It drew them toward his form. Cicero struggled in vain, but could not escape. Rhakkar shouted and hacked at the smoke with his ax, but it passed through. Gwyn's eyes widened as she felt herself and Cicero be drawn towards the man, the shadows holding firm. It didn't take too long for her mind though to know what to do. The light was always the natural enemy of shadow after all. [color=teal]"Cicero!"[/color] Then she reached into the last reserves of her power and light once more burst forth, dissipating the shadows as they went. The enemy entity roared in anger. His grip dissipated. Gwyn began to fall to the ground unconscious. However, with his hands-free, Cicero caught his companion with one arm and landed on the ground softly.. [color=orange]"Got you! Stay with me, Gwyn!"[/color] He raised his shield toward the being and prayed, [color=orange]"Father, I need your power to shine forth as I heard in the stories of old..please."[/color] The ghastly man shrieked in rage, and Rhakkar growled once more. Suddenly, the shield began to push the entity back into the portal from whence it came with a powerful anti-magic barrier. The being shrieked in rage, [color=9e0b0f]"THIS CANNOT BE! THAT RELIC OF OLD WAS DESTROYED!"[/color] As the portal began to close, it reached out one last time. It snatched Cicero and Gwyn with a smokey dark hand and drew them toward himself. One last time, her eyes raised to her companions. [color=teal]"The Sealed Ones...Seek the artifacts of the Sealed Ones!"[/color] With that, she dropped a book from her pack on the ground. Cicero called out, [color=orange]"Take heart, friends! We'll see you again!"[/color] They were then engulfed in the portal as Rhakkar leaped through at the last moment. It closed behind them in a flash. Everything was extremely quiet for a moment. The ghastly man was without words. He simply stared in disbelief, [color=ec008c]"No..no...nononononononono!!"[/color] He ground his teeth and muttered to the remaining three companions, [color=ec008c]"I will pour my wrath on you. You will regret this!!!"[/color]