[hider=The Lab Rat who Became a Gym Rat] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1113515228156657665/image.png[/img] [b][url=https://open.spotify.com/track/4rLdhdrTugGgHMDKFm7Ckf?si=ed403a1c4c004076]🎶[u]Man in the Mask[/u]🎶[/url][/b][/center] [color=#5499A8][b]Secret ID:[/b][/color] Oscar Nash [color=#5499A8][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Monolith [color=#5499A8][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=#5499A8][b]Home Location:[/b][/color] Gotham [color=#5499A8][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [color=5499A8][b]Tank with Legs:[/b][/color] Oscar's body is made of muscle dozens of times more dense than what any human can naturally achieve, giving him enough strength to outshine a hundred venom-boosted street thugs. With one arm, he could easily lift an object weighing over five tons above his head and throw it far enough to hit something a hundred feet away. Thanks to this, Oscar's body is also highly resistant to extreme force, meaning he could take a punch to the face from Bane himself and walk away with an intact face, or fall from a skyscraper without breaking a single bone. [color=#5499A8][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [color=5499A8][b]Heaviest Person Alive:[/b][/color] Being strong enough to make people think you're the second coming of Superman isn't always as glorious as people think. The big difference between Monolith and someone like Superman is that he can't fly, or even attempt to. Due to his near-impossible muscle density, he weighs more than a semi-truck, which prevents him from flinging himself into the air with a well-executed jump. This also means that any situation requiring someone to swim freely through water is one where Monolith is completely useless. Unless particularly powerful magic is involved, Monolith will sink in open water like a navy battleship's anchor. Fragile ice over a frozen lake would give way the moment he stepped on it, and anyone within a hundred feet of Oscar could [i]feel[/i] if he lands on the ground from somewhere high up. [color=5499A8][b]One Trick Metahuman:[/b][/color] Despite having near-unmatched endurance, Monolith's power to tank damage works like a shield. It's impact resistant and will stop things that make him bleed to a much greater extent than most people could handle, but all that toughness does nothing to stop him from being poisoned, burned by fire and chemicals, electrocuted or even drugged. A .50 caliber bullet would be stopped dead between his ribs before it hit something vital, but a single whiff of Scarecrow toxin would drop him like a hat. [color=#5499A8][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Body armor with a medieval theme. Including crenellated shoulders, convex knee guards, insulated boots and a helmet styled after a [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.metmuseum.org%2FCRDImages%2Faa%2Foriginal%2F14.25.519_007AA2015.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=cda24a28a17e4d3ede8f7af70f58cf240aa53b220923f6f54a3c3cbf05c0742e&ipo=images]knight.[/url] [*]Team communication device [/list] [color=#5499A8][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] As Monolith, Oscar resembles a walking fortress, decked out in highly durable combat armor from head to toe. As just a normal kid, he clocks in at a solid 6'3", with slightly messy hair and a lot of visible scars. He tends to wear practical things like boots and big bomber jackets... Mostly because those are the only things that actually fit. [color=#5499A8][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Stoic, determined, intelligent, kind, tired. [color=#5499A8][b]Brief Bio:[/b][/color] Once upon a time, there was something called Project Avalon. It was an initiative to augment the metagenes of certain individuals well beyond their conceived potential. Project Avalon was carried out in secret, far underneath the surface of Gotham in underground labs. There was only one known test subject to survive the original administering of the chemical agent they used. He was given the designation M1. Subject M1 was meant to be an enforcer for an international shadow entity that deal in black market businesses and superhuman politics, who simply invested in Project Avalon out of mutual benefit. For as long as he could remember, he was trained in close-quarters combat and intelligence management, while chemicals were used to constantly boost his physical superpowers beyond their limits. Eventually, the manager of Project Avalon wanted to do "field tests," so Subject M1 was sent out to criminal dealings to take out their benefactor's competition. Entire gangs of criminals were laid waste to, but innocents occasionally got caught in the crossfire. Sometimes it was just a back-alley gun deal in Gotham, sometimes it was a suit-and-tie negotiation in another country, but it was all a blur to M1, until a mission in Biyalia, where M1 was dispatched to destroy a lab conducting similar research. It was here that he murdered innocent civilians and levelled an entire building. The incident stirred something in him, and once he was extracted, subject M1 began questioning things. One month after that mission, Gotham experienced an earthquake. The city rumbled as if a meteor shower had rained down, but there was no sign of trouble beyond broken windows and disturbed cars. Far underground, though, the vast facilities of Project Avalon were reduced to rubble in a fit of rage. Subject M1, destroyed everything, and left no survivors. He went into hiding, and started calling himself Monolith as he spent the next two years using his strength for something more productive: Hurting the criminals he was sent after because they were criminals, and for no other reason. It took another two years for Oracle to find the veritable giant mid-fight, and offer him a place on a team. [hider=Sample Post] Another cold night in Gotham. Nothing he wasn't used to. Monolith stared down at the Venom transport operation from atop a skyscraper. Nothing more than street-level thugs shipping crates of that poison to other thugs and the occasional metahuman criminal. He almost felt disappointed, but then again, he felt disappointed every time he came across something like this. Looking around, Monolith couldn't see any of them acting overly aggressive. In fact, he couldn't even see anyone who stood out as an enforcer. They seemed to be running somewhat independently, which meant they were trying to strike out on their own, or their boss trusted them enough to handle it. The latter was least likely, but presented a greater risk that they'd be competent in a fight. This high up, Monolith couldn't hear anything the criminals were saying, but he could tell by their body language that they were in a hurry. A small detail, but one that implied they had somewhere to be. He couldn't outrun a van, so the prospect of catching two birds with one stone had to be pursued the hard way. Monolith stepped towards the ledge, and dropped down, back into the city below. Gotham had been near dead-silent for hours, when a sound like an explosion woke up every sleeping citizen for miles. The ground shattered between the transport and their way out, scaring most of the thugs out of their skin, and knocking all of them off their feet. Crates of Venom were dropped, and spilled open. Monolith trudged forward, unbothered by the meteoric landing, and the ground beneath him quaked as he passed. [color=5499A8]"Surrender, and I'll go easy on all of you."[/color] But they didn't listen, they never did. One of them pulled out a handgun, and fired several shots directly at Monolith's face. The bullets crumpled and fell down as if they had hit solid concrete. Monolith looked at the shooter with a mix of disappointment and thinning patience. A few of them broke and scattered like flies. [color=5499A8]"I'll say it one more time. Surrender, and-"[/color] [color=#95FFAF]"That won't be necessary."[/color] A large, floating drone descended before him, hovering silently as a camera adjusted to look at him behind the motorcycle helmet he used to hide his face. [color=#95FFAF]"You've been causing a lot of commotion lately. GCPD owes a lot of its criminals getting caught to you recently."[/color] Monolith looked down at the drone, and back at the criminals trying to pile into the van. He lunged forward and slammed a shoulder into its engine, causing it to fold like a lawn chair. Oil and other fluids leaked out. [color=5499A8]"Who are you?"[/color] He asked the drone. [color=95FFAF]"You can call me Oracle. I've been looking for you for a while now, Monolith. I need your help, [i]we[/i] need your help."[/color] The van started smoking. [color=5499A8]"We?"[/color] [color=95FFAF]"Me, and a few other like-minded individuals who have an edge like yours. I think you'll like them, but your... [i]skills[/i] could help us take back this city. The drone can lead you to where we meet, if you're interested."[/color] [color=5499A8]"Alright, I'll follow it. But if this is a trap, you'll regret it."[/color] Oracle's drone led Monolith away from the scene, and the remaining thugs scattered just before the van exploded, destroying all the nearby venom patches in a fiery blaze that kept the city awake for a few hours. [/hider] [/hider]