[hider=The Fourth Survivor] [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Name[/b][/u][/color] January [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Look[/b][/u][/color] [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b9b2d882-00b8-4875-bcf3-3049ffa8b405.jpg]Male, Ancient Roman, Everyday Clothing[/url] [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Demeanor[/b][/u][/color] Antiquated [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Character Stats[/b][/u][/color] Blood: 2 Heart: 1 Mind: 0 Spirit: -1 [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Starting Factions[/b][/u][/color] Mortality: 1 Night: 1 Power: -1 (Marked) Wild: 1 (Marked) [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Who are you?[/b][/u][/color] Gaius Hortensius Januarius. But most people call me January. I was born in the year 92 AD. I became a vampire at the age of twenty five. And I am now but a few decades away from my third millennium. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]How long have you been in the city?[/b][/u][/color] I'm not sure how long I've been here. The Bay was built around my resting place while I was asleep. I've been awake and active in the city long enough to set up a decent web though. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]How do you keep your cravings in check?[/b][/u][/color] Corvus Bay is home to a surprising number of people who are into vampires feeding on them. I know a guy who points them my way in exchange for Debts. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Who turned you?[/b][/u][/color] I turned myself. I and a few of my friends performed a ritual to attain immortality. Those who survived became vampires. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]What scheme are you invested in now?[/b][/u][/color] I'm not usually one for scheming. I just amuse myself until I grow tired and then I go back to sleep. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Gear[/b][/u][/color] • A secluded apartment, a comfortable car, a smart phone • Sword (3-harm hand messy) [color=9e0b0f][u][b]The Vamp’s Web[/b][/u][/color] When someone comes to you to ask for a favor, look for advice/info, or threaten your interests, they enter your web and owe you a Debt. When someone is in your web, you gain the following when dealing with them: • Get +1 ongoing to lend a hand or get in the way of their efforts • Add this question to figure someone out: “What is your character’s true hunger?” At the start of a session, choose someone in your web and learn a secret about them that they’d rather keep buried. They leave your web only when they no longer owe you a Debt. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Debts[/b][/u][/color] • Someone makes sure you get fed regularly. You owe them 2 Debts. • Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt. • Someone bears responsibility for you becoming a vampire. They owe you a Debt. • Someone is working on something big for you, and it’s nearly ready. You owe them a Debt. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Vamp Moves[/b][/u][/color] Eternal Hunger: You hunger for human blood, flesh, or emotions, pick one. When you feed, roll with Blood. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2: • You heal 1-harm • You learn a secret about them • You take +1 forward • They don’t die On a miss, something goes terribly wrong. [X] Irresistible: When you persuade an NPC using promises or seduction, treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. On a miss, your machinations succeed as though you rolled a 7-9, but attract the attention of a rival or enemy. [] Haven: You have a safe place, secure from outside dangers. It has emergency rations, a few ghouls, and an escape vector. When someone willingly comes to your haven, they enter your web. [X] Cold-Blooded: When you keep your cool under emotional duress, roll with Blood instead of Spirit. [] Keep Your Friends Close: When you figure someone out by indulging their vices, roll with Blood instead of Mind. [] Put Out the Word: When you cash in a Debt with someone in your web, add this option to the list: • Put out the word with their Faction that you want something. You get +3 forward to hit the streets with that Faction. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Drama Moves[/b][/u][/color] Vamp Corruption Move: When you feed on an unwilling victim, mark corruption. Intimacy Move: When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another person, tell them a secret about yourself or owe them a Debt. Either way, they enter your web and owe you a Debt. End Move: When you die or retire your character, name someone in the scene you want dead; your agents and allies relentlessly pursue them. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Standard Advances[/b][/u][/color] Advances available at beginning of play: [] +1 Blood (max +3) [] +1 Heart (max +3) [] +1 Mind (max +3) [] +1 Spirit (max +3) [] A new Vamp move [] A new Vamp move [] A move from another Archetype [] A move from another Archetype [] Change your Faction After 5 advances you may select: [] +1 to any stat (max +3) [] +1 any Faction (max +3) [] Erase a scar [] Join or lead a vampire clan [] Erase a corruption advance [] Advance 3 basic moves [] Advance 3 basic moves [] Retire your character to safety [] Change to a new Archetype [color=black][u][b]Corruption Advances[/b][/u][/color] [] Take a corruption move [] Take a corruption move [] Take a corruption move [] Take a corruption move from another Archetype [] Retire your character. They may return as a Threat [color=black][u][b]Corruption Moves[/b][/u][/color] [] True Hunter: Mark corruption when pursuing a human NPC at night. Your prey cannot escape you, no matter where they attempt to flee, and you can prey on them or kill them at will. [] Adaptable Palate: You can feed on any creature, not just humans. Feeding on something wildly different than a human will have unexpected side effects. [] Pull Them Back In: When you cash in your last Debt on someone in your web, mark corruption to keep the Debt and keep them in your web. [] Blood Magic: Choose 2 faerie powers. Mark corruption to use one of these powers. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Harm[/b][/u][/color] [] Faint: [][] Grievous: [][] Critical: [/hider] [hider=Debts] [color=9e0b0f]Someone makes sure you get fed regularly. You owe them 2 Debts.[/color] Humani sanguinis, human blood. As a vampire, I have a taste for it and it's healthy for me to have myself a helping of it every now and then while I'm awake. Thankfully, a surprising number of people in Corvus Bay are into the idea of having vampires feed on them. You'd think I'd have no problem with that kind of quantity, but in truth my problems lie with quality. Just like how humans have a wide variety of foods, vampires have a wide variety of bloods. Much like with humans and food, vampires prefer certain types of blood over others. They also prefer the aforementioned blood to not make them ill. That's why, like humans, an organization to grade and regulate blood has been set up. Once the blood has been confirmed to be drinkable, the owner of that blood is given the locations of secret nightclubs where they can have themselves a good time while they wait to be selected as a drink by one of the club's vampire patrons. Funnily enough, this whole process wasn't set up by a vampire. Rather, it was created by a pack of werewolves currently led by [b]Lucas Ryder[/b]. Although he's a werewolf, Ryder has all the savvy of the very vampires he caters to. Once he took over his pack, the guy actually managed to get a pretty stable web going. It ain't as stable as a vampire's, but it's stable enough that I owe him two Debts for coming to his clubs. [color=9e0b0f]Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt.[/color] [b]Kimi Hasegawa[/b], a newly enlightened Aware on a quest to find her childhood friend. But unfortunately for her Corvus Bay has a lot of ground to cover, with some of it even being quite dangerous as she has already discovered. To find her friend, she'll have to search high and low, facing dangers of all sorts along the way. Fortunately for her though, she won't have to do so alone. When she started asking around for this "Zeke" fellow she's looking for, word of her poking around eventually made its way back to me. Always on the lookout for demands to supply, I dispatched my agents to ensure word of a man well versed in solving all manner of problems made its way to her. I didn't have to wait long after that to find her sitting across from me in the corner booth of a 24 hour diner I like to frequent. We came to an arrangement. I would have my informants keep an ear out for any information pertaining to the whereabouts of Zeke. In return, Kim would render unto me at a later date. Opportunities for profit aside, I can already say that I like this venture. Searching for people with details that even those who want to find them are unwilling to share always lead somewhere interesting. [color=9e0b0f]Someone bears responsibility for you becoming a vampire. They owe you a Debt.[/color] 117 AD, the height of the Roman Empire. The year I was born anew. The year I became a vampire. In the dark of the night, I and thirteen of my friends undertook a ritual that year to attain immortalitatis. Seven of us died that night. Myself and the six other friends of mine who survived all did so as vampires. To my knowledge, they're all alive and out there somewhere. It's hard for me to keep track of them. Especially when I spend decades at a time sleeping while they're up an about in the world. I've heard from all of them in the time since I woke up, but they're all scattered across the world, too far away for constant contact... Except for one. Livius Ennius Quintus, or [b]Quincy[/b] as he's referred to in the modern day. The one who discovered the ritual in the first place. He arrived in Corvus Bay a few years before I woke up. Quincy was always an envious guy. He was never satisfied with what he had, always coveting what he didn't own. It only got worse when he became a vampire. After that he fixated on something he didn't have and began taking as much of it as he could. Wealth, fame, power, horses, the list was as varied as it was endless. Now though, he envies Mortality. This particular brand of envy manifested as a belief that as a vampire he was a vile and twisted abomination. As a result, he has embarked on a mad quest for "redemption" for what he has become. Normally I would have no strong feelings one way or the other about what my old friends get up to. But in this case, since his quest involves him owing me one to make up for leading me into vampirism, I'm supportive of his actions. Power to him, I say. [color=9e0b0f]Someone is working on something big for you, and it’s nearly ready. You owe them a Debt.[/color] Say what you want about the Vikings, but they had some of the finest forges of the time. And more often than not, those forges were worked by dwarves. The steel they produced brought about the legends of Harald Hardrada, Erik the Heathen, and Ragnar and his sons just as much as the men themselves did. And when their kind retreated into the earth at the start of the 11th century, the world was lesser for it. It was quite inconvenient too. No smith could maintain the armor I had owned since my days as a Legatus quite like a dwarf smith could. This, combined with my inclination towards laziness led to my armor slowly but surely degrading as the years went by. By the modern day, it had lost almost all the functionality it once had. But just as I was considering whether or not to donate what was left of it to a museum to get my hooks into the curator, imagine my surprise when a dwarf showed up one night and offered his services. Over a keg of old Nordic mead, [i]Ǫlni[/i] as he soon introduced himself made his deal plain. He would restore my armor to perfect condition for me, so long as I agreed to owe him a Debt. As much as I usually don't enjoy being the debtor rather than the creditor, my armor holds a lot of sentimental value. More than enough for me to actually be ok with the idea for a change. [/hider]