[h2]Gisela[/h2] Although she was more outwardly calm than the merchant that had run off to get backup, Gisela was still internally panicking. This was a witch, and even if they were only being played with or tested, [i]she[/i] was a mage with a fairly restricted repertoire of offensive spells. Even if she wanted to try anything, there was no way to target only the dolls whilst excluding their controller, without including all of her allies in the targeted zone as well. Both were bad choices. And not being able to contribute against someone like this left her with far too much time to worry, eyes going back and forth to check that nobody had gotten injured and in need of attention [i]just[/i] yet. Something that she still remained at liberty to do due to the defender right in front of her, ensuring that even if one of those little dolls did push through the ring of knights pushing out towards Tabitha or engaging the much larger enemy-- --it was promptly shattered, even the magical reinforcement not standing up to the force that could be brought down from above in a single swing. As expected, the demon looked rather bored by this lack of a challenge.