[@Sho Minazuki] [@Renose] [@Letter Bee] Anarchy had descended upon the arena as the Aldugan Spines engaged the crowd, all while a mysterious Electro intruder fought against the Sand King himself. There was chaos everywhere you looked as everyone fought for their lives, some for their freedom... ....which meant that hardly anyone was paying attention as large, hooded figure entered the upper stands of the arena. Anyone who did noticed instantly turned their attention elsewhere, as they had enough to deal with fighting in an apparent coup attempt than fight whatever the hell [b]that thing[/b] was. For the hooded figure, [i]Garrick[/i] paid them no mind as he watched the main fight below, the Electro interloper sending blasts of lightning at the Sand King while defending against two opponents: A yokai and a gunslinging young man. Even Axom, the Geo Archon, had joined to fight off this newcomer. Hearing a shout off to the side, Garrick turned to see another peculiar: An young elf girl with arms unlike anything he has seen in his years fighting several Aldugan Spines members by herself, ready to engage three of them before her. Coming to a decision, Garrick grabbed a nearby barrel, lifted it over his head and threw it at the trio, immediately running after it. The barrel struck one man on the side of his temple, cracking his skull as he fell to the ground. Before his two comrades could react to what happened, Garrick was already on them, sending another man to the floor via a savage hook to the jaw before the grabbing the final man by the neck, completely lifting him off the ground. The Spines member, scared witless at how fast this turned out, stared at Garrick with eyes full of fear as he saw half of a reptilian face, the other half hidden within the darkness of the hood except for the hazel slitted eyes that glared back at him. Garrick held the poor man for a second longer before tossing him over the railing, the man screaming as he fell to the lower stands. The cloaked cryptid then turned his attention to the elf. [color=00aeef]"Peace, young one. I am not your enemy."[/color], Garrick spoke, his voice raspy yet noble. [color=00aeef]"But more approach."[/color] As more Aldugan Spines fighters closed in on the pair, Garrick reached over his shoulder, causing his cloak to part and reveal his form as he gripped the hilt of Azure Vein and drew the blade out, now taking part in the fighting alongside the young elf.