[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] Walking into the fort, the oppressive weight within--accentuated by the way the sinking sun was casting the entire courtyard into steadily darkening shadow--pressing down... well, maybe the bodies didn't get as much a response from the vampire because she'd already been able to smell the huge quantities within. Maybe because there had been some things just as bad over the past two hundred years. Or maybe it was something even simpler, such as that bad eyesight. Nonetheless, once Tyaethe had trailed the captain inside, she took a sharp left towards one of the thin staircases that would lead up to the ramparts, jumping up to sit on a spot that at least lacked [i]fresh[/i] bloodstains. Her gaze looked out to some spot in the courtyard, rather than following the newcomer, and she piped up with an addition to the captain's instructions. "There are more inside, don't forget to check those."