Arriving on the scene were a pair who quickly assessed the situation in front of them. [color=00a651]"Not a very nice first impression of America,"[/color] the man said, pulling a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and placing it up to his lips nonchalantly The other of the pair, a young woman in a pink headscarf grimaced at the situation in front of her. No matter how many times she saw it, these scenes never quite got easier to handle. [color=ec008c]"What's the plan, Daniyal?"[/color] Taking a drag, the man pointed his finger around the battlefield. [color=00a651]"I'm probably not going to need any backup for this one. Get those people out of here, I'll make my way over to the vampires over there."[/color] Daniyal stretched slightly before holding his hand out towards the woman, [color=00a651]"Mossberg, please."[/color]. As the woman handed over the shotgun, Daniyal tossed the cigarette onto the ground, stamping it out. [color=00a651]"God be with you, Rahmah."[/color] Rahmah nodded in reply, [color=ec008c]"And with you, Daniyal."[/color]. With that the two were off. Daniyal made a direct line over towards the lesser vampires. Rushing into a ghoul, he turned his shotgun over, bashing the butt of the gun into the ghoul's head, smashing it like a pumpkin. Losing no speed, he made his way over to the lesser vampires. [color=00a651]"Bismillahi ar-Rahmani ar-Raheem..."[/color] firing off a slug directly under the vampire's chin, pumping the next round into the barrel as the creature slumped unceremoniously to the ground. Quickly he turned around as another of the creatures lunged forward, only for Daniyal to block the vampires' lunge with his gun. He quickly pushed the vampire back, unloading one slug and then another into the creature's chest. [color=00a651]"Two down, one to go,"[/color] [hr] Meanwhile, Rahmah was doing her best to corral the fleeing civilians to safety. [color=ec008c]"This way, move!"[/color] she shouted as she lead the fleeing civilians away, tossing a collection of fu back behind them. A couple of unfortunate ghouls made the mistake to step on the fu, only to immediately catch fire and burn away into ashes. Picking off a few rats with her pistol, Rahmah looked back to see how Daniyal was faring.