Dalious had his back toward the portal for most of what happened. He was too busy defending off the demonfolk guards that swung and stabbed their weapons at him. Everyone seemed to pause slightly as the smoke demon poured through the portal though, and he even looked back just momentarily to see that Gwyn was about to brighten the room with her magic once more. Dalious shielded his eyes briefly, then made his move once the guards fell for the blinding light yet again. Too easy. [hider=attack roll] 1d20+7=26. Double kill!! [/hider] The pirate rushed forward, almost simultaneously hacking the throats out of two parallel guards with quick slashes from his blade. He ran through and now positioned his back on the other side of everyone. He saw the book Gwynaria had dropped as the portal sucked them all in and then disappeared. 'What did she mean? Were they...dead?'. There wasn't much time to think further on the matter as they were still outnumbered seven to three.