The spectacle caught cedar's attention, as yvonne dropped a sizable cask of wine down on the table and broke the seal. Normally, he'd eagerly oblige getting shit-faced hammered. He really liked alcohol, and rather enjoyed the infrequent trips to the inn with his dad, but today he really felt it would be a terrible mistake with his weakened constitution. Just another disappointment on the growing pile of them that today had brought. However, the bright blue potion caught his eye (though to him it was a tossup if it was blue or purple, but it had the right smell), and he DID know he wanted that. Deftly imbibing the last of the hamhock in a way that bespoke lots of practice putting food away, he sat the bone down, then shambled toward the stoppered flask and took it without asking, popped the wax seal on the cork, and downed it in one go before making a VERY contented expression as it took effect.