[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/austera-simple-tfb-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230504/0257ed6a9f7f0bf4b9359b8c9ca8d06c.png[/img][/url][/center] [b][color=Lavenderblush]Time:[/color][/b] MORNING [b][color=Lavenderblush]Location:[/color][/b] EXT./INT. MAMA MALACHI'S SUMMERHOUSE - RIVER PORT [b][color=Lavenderblush]Interactions/Mentions:[/color][/b] The guy cosplaying as an elf [@princess]; the lady in a purple dress [@Tae]; the golden lion furry [@Helo]; the other guy who’s also cosplaying as an elf [@GingerBobOh] [b][color=Lavenderblush]Equipment: [/color][/b] [hider=][color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Attire from Earth [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Backpack [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Smartphone [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Wallet and key [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Computer [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Headphones [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Spare eyeglasses [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Plastic bag [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Letter[/hider] [hr] [color=Lightcyan] Eyes, being the window to the soul and all, were a constant challenge for Jun. His weak soul made every gaze feel like staring into the scorching sun. Anger, disappointment, or shame transformed the sunrays into sharp chisels, chipping away at his spirit. Encountering those kinds of gazes wasn't new. Malachi never missed a chance to shoot him a look filled with some flavor of anger or disappointment. Now, the purple-dressed stranger mirrored that all-too-familiar glint. She hid it well under that smile, but that's what most socially competent people did, wasn't it? Tolerate people like Jun. They all tolerated him because they needed a human for the story campaign. LARPing was supposed to be escapism. Why would anyone want to be a vanilla human, when that only reminded players of reality? And here was this damn idiot ruining their fun. Why can't he just play along? Inconsiderate ass. What a waste of space, [color=5BA6F7][i]a waste of time.[/i][/color] Useless, even in a world of make-believe. [color=95464E][i]Pathetic.[/i][/color] The surrounding conversation buried the whispered, [color=LemonChiffon]"... I'm sorry."[/color] A cancerous ball, the size of a marble, lodged somewhere between his heart and throat, began to spread. His breathing picked up speed as his body made a head start to that dark place where his mind always went. [color=LemonChiffon]"I'm sorry."[/color] He should've listed what he was apologizing for, but he could barely squeeze out two simple words before he rushed back into the house. He didn't even dare look at Zion or Enstille, too afraid to see what he might find reflected in their eyes. When he reached the dining table, Jun was wheezing like he completed a marathon as an asthmatic. He slumped into the chair at the farthest end, clutching his backpack against his chest as negative thoughts continued their invasion. [i][color=Darkseagreen]Such a drama queen.[/color] [color=Mediumslateblue]It's not that big of a deal.[/color] [color=Firebrick]Come on dude, man up.[/color] [color=Goldenrod]What kind of adult couldn't handle a little eye contact?[/color] [color=Darkturquoise]There are people out there who dealt with a lot worse than you ever have or ever will.[/color] [color=Orangered]Get over it.[/color] [color=Slategray]Why does it always end up being about you?[/color] [color=Darkorchid]Snowflake.[/color] [color=Olivedrab]Stop wallowing in your own self-pity.[/color] [color=Sandybrown]People don’t have time for your fragile ego and your constant need for reassurance.[/color] [color=Deepskyblue]You're such a disappointment.[/color] [color=Mediumvioletred]So worthless.[/color] [color=Mediumaquamarine]You know they don't actually need you, specifically, right? You're replaceable.[/color] [color=Khaki]Nobody will miss you when you're gone. Not here, not back home. They probably haven't noticed you've been missing the entire week—...[/color][/i] A violent clatter jerked Jun out of the quicksand. The wind hammered against the window, demanding entry. He held his breath. When nothing else happened, he exhaled sharply, releasing the pent-up tension, and inhaled deeply, surrendering to his body's need for oxygen. The sensation of his lungs expanding and contracting grounded him. As his breathing settled into a steady rhythm, Jun's attention drifted from the window and landed on a bunny-shaped stain on the table. He chose the cute blotch as his point of focus. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. With each breath, the window-rattling and invasive voices quieted down, until both faded into silence. Lost in his task, Jun remained oblivious to the fact that the wind knocked only the window nearest to him—while all others stood silent.[/color] [hider=TLDR][color=Lavenderblush]Jun goes back inside the house and sits at the dining table, just to stare at a stain like a weirdo.[/color][/hider]