[b]i really like the old faerie tales, but Disney is a little too kiddie for me. i like blood & action & angst! BUCKETS OF ANGST. but of course, i also like happy endings.~ --- looking for partners to do these faerie tales: [i]Red Riding Hood[/i] The wolf (a lycan in this version) released Rose's grandmother all those years ago on only one condition; that he'd marry her young grand daughter when she comes of age, knowing her bloodline would help him rebuild his dying race. When "Red Riding Hood" turns 17, the wolf returns to claim his bride. [i]Beauty & the Beast[/i] Instead of being a literal beast, the beast in this story is a thoughtless, selfish man who is known as a beast for seducing women & casting them away. When a beautiful young woman spurns his advances, he resorts to using her father's debts against her & forces her to work as his personal servant in the castle. [i]Cinderella[/i] Cinderella is the code name for a spying woman from the neighboring kingdom. With ill luck, she attracts the prince's favor & must try to find a way out of his proposal of marriage. This one can go two ways, with the prince unaware of Cinderella's motives, or him knowing who she is & using her secret against her, his pride wounded when he realizes she wasn't really interested in him that night. [/b]