[center][h2]On The Menu - Shore Leave Day 2 Mid Day[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KDQdLtK.png[/img] [/center] Cornflakes sure could hustle. Even though they’d started behind the eight ball, Lorraine and Abby wasted no time in getting the job done. The countrified girl from the black just fell into the work like she’d been here every day, attacking dirty dishes and delivering hot food while Lorraine kept on top of orders and drinks. By lunch rush, the pair had their routine down pat, serving up all of Vic’s menu items fresh from his griddle, along with a side dish of spirited banter that kept the diner’s patrons laughing. “HEY CORNFLAKES!!” Lorraine shouted across the crowded room. “WHAT?” Abby come out with plates balanced on one arm. “FELLA HERE WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU’RE ON THE MENU?” “TELL ‘IM I’M THA HOUSE SPECIAL!” “HE WANTS TO KNOW HOW MUCH!” Lorraine grinned. “WHAT’S THA OLD SAYIN’, BUGSY? IF’N YA GOTTA ASK…” Abby quipped as she laid orders before customers. The two women honed their lively repartee as wave after wave of workers on lunch hour rolled through the tables and counter. “ORDER UP!” Vic shouted as two overflowing pastrami sandwiches hit the stainless steel shelf. “Cornflakes,” he glanced up from the half dozen burgers he was flipping, “I’m swamped here. Couldja put chips and pickle spears on each of those plates?” “Yeah, it’s all shiny,” tha deckhand cum waitress give a nod. She’s jest finishin’ up when Lorraine nudged ‘er shoulder. “Sweet Jaysus,” she muttered. “Feast your eyes on the slice of pretty just walked in.” Abby looked up an’ gasped all surprised like tah see Yuri comin’ through tha front door. “I’ll be gorramed,” she said ‘neath ‘er breath. “Dibs,” Lorraine whispered. “Knock yerself out, girl!” Abby giggled afore dartin’ off with them sandwiches fer table twelve. Weren’t more’n a tick or so til she winced at a whistle like tah sawed ‘er ears right off. Her head whipped round tah find Lorraine, sittin’ next tah Yuri an’ wavin’ ‘er over. Sight ‘o’ his expression near ‘bout had ‘er laughin’ by time she made it across tha room. “Well howdy!” she greeted ‘er boss. “Whatcha doin’ in these parts?” The spiky haired waitress’ attentions had him feeling more like fresh prey at the moment. “Making good on my reputation,” Yuri replied. “Out buying some galley supplies. So this is what you do when Captain and I give you three days’ shore leave? Pick up a side job?” Abby shrugged. “It’s all her fault,” she pointed a finger at her friend. “She’s Lorraine. He’s Yuri, first mate on muh boat.” “That’s how I’d rate him, too, Cornflakes,” Lorraine purred. “Hi Yuri. You know whatcha want, or should I warm up something special?” “Um,” he shifted away in his chair, “can I get a Cap’n Bob’s while I look over the menu?” Lorraine’s eyes held a predatory gleam as she rose to her feet. “You can have whatever you want, baby. I’ll be right back.” After a mischievous wink for Abby, she made her way behind the lunch counter. “Well,” Yuri cleared his throat, “she seems nice.” “Lorraine’s jest messin’ with yew,” the girl come out with a chuckle. “I seen ‘er do tha same last night tah two-three diff’rent fellas she caught lookin’.” “What’s with the side hustle, though?” he asked. “Helpin’ ‘er git tha job done. We’s out til wee hours last night an’ woke up late..” “Not to mention,” Lorraine returned with Yuri’s soft drink, “my friends and I are takin’ your girl here to the beach after work. Wanna come?” she asked, puppy dog eyes on display. “We’ve got killer bikinis.” “We do?” Abby’s wide eyed over that’n. “Uh, yeah,” she recovered. “We do.” Course, thought ‘o’ wearin’ such in front ‘o’ tha likes ‘o’ Yuri…or worse, Cap’n…struck ‘er uneasy like. Yuri hoisted the menu as a shield, stifling the mild flush rising from his neck. “Sounds like fun, but Edina and I have invitations for a big to-do at the Earth-That-Was Museum tonight.” A broad grin sprouted across Abby’s face. “Well lookit yew!” she laid a hand on ‘er hip. “Finally takin’ her out on a date?” “No, it’s not a…yes,” he gave in. “I conjure you’re right. And they might have a job for us…” Lorraine was not to be put off. “I got a job for ya,” she cooed. “You figuring out lunch, or you gonna keep hiding that pretty face behind your menu?” Abby rolled ‘er eyes. “Leave ‘im be, Bugsy.” “How about,” Yuri dropped the menu, “grilled cheese and tomato soup?” The waitress jotted his order. “I’m all over it,” she turned, nudging a hip to his shoulder before hurrying off to the kitchen. “HEY VIC!” she shouted on the way. “GRILLED CHEESE, EXTRA CHEESY, and TOMATO SOUP!” This time, Yuri turned to watch her as she sped away. “She’s a proper carouser, huh?” he observed. “We did have a full on blast last night,” Abby smiled. “Hey,” her face an’ tone went serious. “Heard from Alana?” “I was all set to ask you the same.” “Nary a word. Left ‘er a few waves. Stopped afore she might reckon it’s creepifyin’,” the girl said. Yuri sipped at his cola. “Captain left early yesterday,” he offered. “Nothing from him, either. We haven’t asked Sam to track their cortexes, but we’re hoping they worked things out.” “Me too,” Abby nodded. “I care lots fer Alana. Cap’n too. Wait. That how yah found me?” she asked as ‘er eyes hardened.. “Sam checkin’ up on me?” “That’s my culp,” he raised a hand. “Sorry, Abby. My mouth outran my brain. Wasn’t until Sam gave me the word that I conjured I was stepping on your privacy.” After a tick’s silence, he added, “We lost you once before, [i]mei mei.[/i] I couldn’t abide a second time.” She thought on that a skosh. While Sam trackin’ ‘er about did raise hackles a might, she couldn’t deny how folk might be feelin’ if one ‘o’ their own was missin’. Same way they all felt ‘bout Alana right now, she reckoned. In tha end, Abby came tah understand. “I ‘preciate that,” she said in quiet. “If it helps, I’ll send a wave ever’ day I’m off tha boat?” The first mate shook his head. “Only if you want to,” he said. “You know the ‘Hey Rube’ signal if things go sideways.” “That I do,” she nodded ‘er head. “Just tha same, I’ll letcha know tahnight if I’m headin’ back or stayin’ out.” Yuri smiled. “All us old folk will be in your debt.” “ORDER UP!” “That’s me,” Abby smiled with a nudge towards tha kitchen. “I wager Lorraine’ll be all over yew like white on rice. Gotta bounce.” “Sure thing…Cornflakes.” Yuri teased. “That’s gon’ folla me back tah tha boat, ain’t it?” “Most like.” Abby run off fer her next order. Things got ponderous busy, what with Lorraine takin’ time tah fawn over Yuri. Mighta twisted ‘er hair a bit, ‘cept fer how funny it was watchin’ him squirm. Soon enough, she answered the first mate’s wave as he paid up an’ made fer the door. The two women watched him go. “He’s a really nice guy,” Lorraine observed. “Fer true,” Abby agreed. “Who’s this Edina?” “Part ‘o’ tha crew,” the deckhand said. “Yuri’s been sweet on her fer a spell.” “Mmmm,” she slowly nodded. “Think I got a shot?” “Nope.” “Way to kill my dreams, bitch.”