"It's okay. It's over. A Dragon beat them." The young man assures her. After checking her head, assesses her further. The soldiers look confused when asked to lower their weapons, they soon did as the Captain appeared. "Do as she says!" And the rest do. The Dragon soon lowers itself slowly, A mewling growl could be heard, showing that it was relaxing. But now it hurts. Its whole body hurt. "Medics! Come tend to this Dragon!" He commanded. The three medics came over cautiously though the dragon didn't notice them. One with a bucket of water, set it down near where it was stung. Another came up as the medic with the bucket put her hands in the water pulling her hands out had a ball of water, put them against the wound, and let the water drain in and flush the poison out with the help of the other water user. The dragon growled in pain but endured what was being done, having taken notice of the help they were providing. It was fighting hard not to snap at the medics. When they were done the dragon felt much more relaxed and lowered its head to the ground. Laying the rest of its body on the ground.