[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#DDA0DD]Antoinette McCarthy[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c143f9c315f8abdd17cc7ac0bdd26e71/19d94ab8e808d932-9b/s540x810/811e9f72262951314cf1a46eb14471af44c53ef5.jpg[/img] [color=#DDA0DD][b]Location:[/b][/color] SPACE! Again… [color=#DDA0DD][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Antoinette smiled at Mira and nodded. [color=#DDA0DD]”Excellent!”[/color] She didn’t really think security systems fell under the general branch of working with computers and technology. Perhaps hacking was more general across the board than she assumed. Bethany mentioned button smashing, and Antoinette shook her head. [color=#DDA0DD]”I think that would bring more harm. We could accidentally hit something that would lock the entire place down or alert everyone that we are up to no good.”[/color] They continued to walk down the hall. Nothing seemed to present itself as they moved ahead. Antoinette was glad they weren’t coming across any people, but she was worried they weren’t reaching any security place yet. Time was of the essence, and they had an act of losing it.