Saturday, hey~ Hope you guys are doing well! Haven’t heard from [@yankee] or [@pkken] in a minute, hope they’re good! As mentioned there’s some collaboration going on with the Sunstrider crew, and I know [@Hillan] will be going on summer break soon so hopefully we’ll get moving there soon! [@LostDestiny] is a shade overdue for Maxwell, as is [@Restalaan] for Haku. I would love to post for Coriander this weekend, provided it isn’t a double post. Lastly I’m looking forward to the start of Luna’s next arc from [@Daxam] on the 6th! Two announcements: firstly, there is some planned website updates, so I took the advice of another player to backup the RP. I’ve created some links on webarchive/waybackmachine and left them in a message on discord. I hope that we will never need them, but if the worst happens, all the players are already on discord so we can keep in touch there. Secondly, also at player suggestion, I’ve opened up a non-canon IC chat channel on the discord, in hopes that players can use it to interact with their characters who otherwise won’t be able to meet IC for a long time. I hope to see some fun interactions (just don’t get so caught up in it you forget to post IC :p ).