i revised what needed to be edited on Helen's bio. please have another look and tell me what you think. thanks again! [hider=Helen Alcantara v2.0] [center] [h1][b][color=DarkGray]Helen Alcantara[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/606915454539137057/1113750051378974730/dx.png?width=533&height=664[/img] [hr][i][color=DarkGray]"The moon is full tonight. I wonder if she can see it too."[/color][/i][hr] [/center] [b][color=DarkGray]Name:[/color][/b] Helen Alcantara [b][color=DarkGray]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=DarkGray]Age:[/color][/b] 21 [b][color=DarkGray]Nationality:[/color][/b] Filipino [b][color=DarkGray]Sexual Orientation:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=DarkGray]Family:[/color][/b] [list][*]Harry Alcantara - little brother [*]Josefino Alcantara- father [*]Paulene Alcantara- mother (deceased)[/list] [b][color=DarkGray]Witch or Warlock:[/color][/b] Warlock [b][color=DarkGray]School of Magic:[/color][/b] Necromancy (8) [indent]Ever since she was little, Helena always had a strong connection to the dead, and them to her. She can see and talk to them just like any other living being would. This strong connection towards the supernatural comes naturally for her and the dead feel the same as well. She almost never uses her magic offensively but when she does, it's only to protect herself and her family from those that harm them. [color=DarkGray]Key Spells:[/color] [list][*][color=DarkGray]Tether: Connection[/color] - Helen creates a poppet or an effigy to represent the target. To "link" the effigy to the target's soul, she integrates a piece of them into it like their toenail clippings or hair. While linked, whatever is done upon the effigy will reflect back on the target but they cannot be killed through it. To break the connection, the effigy of the target must be destroyed or set on fire. [*][color=DarkGray]Haunting: Infestation[/color] - Calls upon a horde of ghouls and spirits within an area to strike fear in the hearts of Helen's foes and to generally create chaos. She uses this spell to make a person's house haunted or 'infested' with different types of ghosts. To make it more long-term, she can create a totem. When she creates a totem, she pours a bit of her soul energy into it so it becomes a medium for the ghosts to keep coming back to this specific place and continue to haunt it even when she's away. The totem lasts up to three days max on its own or until Helen's energy that's stored within the totem runs up. The infestation can be stopped when the totem is destroyed or set on fire. [*][color=DarkGray]Kindred: Compassion[/color] - Uses her own spiritual energy or someone else's to heal the wounds of a living being, to create a protective shield, or to purify a corrupted soul. [*][color=DarkGray]Possession: Legion[/color] - Helen's body becomes a channel, allowing multiple spirits to possess her at once. On top of giving her improved strength, speed, and dexterity, a dozen spectral arms will sprout out of her body to assist her in battle. However, it also uses up all her pent-up rage, fear, and sadness to cloud her judgement and make her act on instinct like a rabid animal, hellbent on destroying the person or group of people that made her feel such extreme negative emotions. She only uses this spell unconsciously in the most dire of situations and she can only come back to her true self by a purification spell or through an act of love from a loved one.[/list] [/indent] [b][color=DarkGray]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent]Helen is quiet and mostly keeps to herself. She's not the type to go clubbing at night or partying over someone's house; crowds drain the life out of her. She mostly likes calm, serene environments like a cafe, the forest, or her room. It's not like she hates socializing but personally, the living is too complex for her. The dead are more transparent, no pun intended, as they always say what they need and what they feel out loud right from the get-go. Worrying about what other people might think about you is useless when you're dead, after all. Besides, she's not that famous in her class anyway. While she might be more straightforward and a little too honest compared to what most people might think, she always helps those in need if it's within her capabilities. She's a very patient and understanding person who doesn't like conflicts and does everything she can to avoid them. It's a whole other matter if her loved ones are involved however, and Helen will stop at nothing to exact her revenge. [/indent] [b][color=DarkGray]History/Bio:[/color][/b] [indent]Helen was born in the Philippines with her brother being born years after. Her father Josefino decided to be an overseas worker in America to support the family while her mom Paulene performed these weird rituals to the locals of their province to help gain more money. It was odd for Helen back then that her mother told her and her brother never to mention her sideline to their dad, but since she was always helping people using her rituals, Helen thought it's possibly not [i]that[/i] bad and followed her mother's order. Josefino came home during his free days and happily announced that he earned enough money to rent an apartment so he could take all of them to America as he, like others, believed their family would live a much happier and productive life in the States. Her mom and dad argued for a few days after that. Helen could still hear Paulene complaining that things were already fine as they were and she didn't want to leave her homeland. After much convincing and more arguing, she finally agreed and helped in taking the steps needed so they could migrate to America and move to a modest town called Tanner. It was a brand-new chapter in their lives and they were determined to face every challenge life threw at them together as a family. Years later, tragedy struck as a very strong hurricane swept the nation and left destruction and death on its wake. Many died during its week-long onslaught, including Helen's mom. Their family was devastated as her mom's death took a heavy toll on them. Imagine her surprise when she woke up one morning and Paulene was waking her up with a smile on her face as if nothing happened. They had a family meeting and Paulene finally admitted the secret behind their family: Paulene's side came from a long lineage of [i]babaylan[/i], priestesses who invoke the spirits of old for knowledge and guidance during the Philippine pre-colonial era, and she and Helen were their only direct descendants left. Paulene was a strong necromancer that her spirit inhabited a doll, allowing her to remain in the mortal realm and keep watch over the family. It was a very unorthodox setting for Josefino who really didn't believe in ghosts and all that, but he was still more than happy he could still talk to his wife and she could still be there for their son in spirit, literally. Helen started seeing ghosts and ghouls after that. Paulene was dedicated in passing all her knowledge to her daughter so that she could learn how to control her powers and not let it control her. It took lots of training of course, but she did manage to get the hang of things eventually. Probably a little too much though; Helen's parents were afraid she was getting closer to the dead than the living, and she's also constantly bullied in high school as other students thought she was too weird. Those were the most hectic years of Helen's life but she was glad she managed to get through them once she got into college. When she came back to Tanner after graduating, Paulene dropped another bombshell on her: her mother turned out to be a part of a group called the Coven. It comprised of a number of people with strong connection to magics and the supernatural, and that it had existed far, far longer than even before Helen's grandmother was born. Helen was even more surprised about the fact there were other people like her and Paulene. Thinking that she had lots of time now, Helen decided to join the Coven as a legacy to find out more about, well, whatever it was she could learn more about. Besides, her parents kept nagging her about having more friends that were 'alive and breathing' so she thought this would be the perfect chance for that. [/indent] [b][color=DarkGray]Misc:[/color][/b] [indent][color=DarkGray]FC:[/color] Janella Salvador [color=DarkGray]Text Color:[/color] DarkGray[/indent] [/hider]