[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zQXUPoA.png[/img] [sub][@VitaVitaAR][@6slyboy6][@Psyker Landshark][/sub][/center] Breathe in. Breathe out. Good. She’s settled now. She could reflect and understand two things. One. The common man still possessed no defense against the sorceries of malcontents. Two. One can take heart, at least, that this was [i]only[/i] a grisly death, one that would not be out of place in the frontlines of a proper war. … Serenity doubted that the latter would be of any comfort to the fallen. And as for the one who had appeared amidst the carnage, untouched and yet suspicious nonetheless? She didn’t care for Alette’s personality, nor for whatever connection she had with the other former mercenaries in their midsts. House Arcedeen had considered reaching out to her once or twice, when words of her deeds were sufficient to travel southwards, but ultimately, she was one of many mercenaries too unstable to be considered. There was effective violence, and there was superfluous violence. Alette the Shark trended towards the latter. As for what killed the men inside the keep? [i]Charm, perhaps, to bade all the residents of the Fort to a single point of slaughter.[/i] [i]Sow Discord, a wild spell that causes equally wild reactions from its targets. It’s likened to inflicting temporary madness.[/i] Her eyes settled upon Dame Amy. [b]“Knight-Captain. Have the Shark gather her band. It doesn’t have to be here, but it’d be better to understand [i]who[/i] is with her, rather than be caught off guard by [i]who[/i] is not.”[/b] Five steps. Right hand to grab the half-demon by the wrist, then to bring her out of the fort once more, away from the grisly sight. Serenity had some understanding of the cleric’s powers. To have her break from exposure, when her insights would be the most helpful in unravelling the specifics of the blight brought upon Fort Daelantine, would be irritating. It didn’t take long to leave the fort, be back out with nothing but sky and shadow, moon and stars. Serenity didn’t have any words of comfort for Amy though. She didn’t see the need in it. [b]“Sir Renar,”[/b] she spoke, turning to the one who had stayed behind. [b]“They killed themselves in the fort. The sort of infighting that even feuding families from yore wouldn't have devolved into.”[/b] She blinked. [b]"Where's Sir Steffen?"[/b]