Through the buzz of her mind, through the radiating warm energy that was filling her, Solarel felt the underlying structure of her thoughts shift. A mind tilted diagonally and a vast edifice of thoughts sliding away down the hill. A new idea had begun to form. Debris from stagnant thought processes swept away freeing up what felt like a frenzied new energy. Even the sophomoric effects of the equations seemed to sweep away into the background as her purpose became fully crystal clear. For the first time tonight she looked away from Mirror. She looked at Matty. A gaze of endless, contemplative ice. Stars in her eyes, the weight of danger absolute. A predator suddenly and absolutely aware of her presence, soaking in every part of her with the same deadly intensity that she had only showed Mirror. [Entice: 12+1 [b]13[/b]] Her gaze then turns to Kirala. Her claws tighten possessively on Mirror's back but there's no mistake that in that moment Kirala was the centre of Solarel's world. When her muscles tensed and squeezed they were in Solarel's mind adjusting to the different size, the different weight, the different tolerances. How to hold her like she needed to be held. How to hold her like she was the only thing that mattered. The fierceness of that embrace and how tightly that would fit, how tempting it would be to step into it... [Entice: 10+1 [b]11[/b]] Then her eyes fixate on Slate. Her gaze bores through the mechanic's eyes into her mind. She sees there the wires, the circuits, the designs. She sees the things she couldn't predict and account for. The speed of Mirror's reboot, the redundancies and efficiencies, the way she guarded the pilot champion with such love. The beautiful body and mind, the dedication that made the God-Smiting Whip what it was. There was hunger there, a hunger to have her work on Solarel's bodies with the same dedication as she worked on Mirrors'. [Entice: 11+1 [b]12[/b]] Solarel understood now. She understood how she could have Mirror helpless before her and still lose. She was only one piece - and not the whole. She saw each of her other parts now, saw them with a hungry, tactical intensity. These were the girls she needed to corner. Seduce. Burn holes through with the force of her stare, to tempt into mistakes, to reprogram with tangled loyalties. She saw them as individuals now and she wanted to unpick and solve each of them. To hold the shivering whole in her hands. "Not one more time," she said, taking in the whole of her enemy. "The first time. With who you are now."