[h1][b][i][color=FF9A4F][center]Leah Jordan[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ktEJkOK.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=FF9A4F][b]Location[/b][/color]: Dorms - The Gym [color=FF9A4F][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Punching things and throwing rocks [url= https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/P91SouhtcVvATfjH6y4YOJ4I3dIZRLrok7syau01eGw/%3Fu%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Ftse1.mm.bing.net%252Fth%253Fid%253DOIP.en_9ngHpPiDuFtTdrpwlbgHaLH%2526pid%253DApi%26f%3D1%26ipt%3D9bfcb1863f729d20bdad83f409906bd75144c0ef7ccf0fb4f46f6b67fc105f00%26ipo%3Dimages/https/external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/]Today’s Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] It was exactly 7:00 AM, on the dot, and Leah's phone broke the quiet, sleepy silence. No, it did more than break the silence, it [i]shattered[/i] it. Time to wake up [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/9kX8Ob7OfD0[/youtube][/center] Her alarm was always the loudest one she ever knew of, and she hoped Sabine wouldn’t bitch about it… Oh, right. Sabine. She very quickly shut that alarm off before it could actually wake her up... But then realized Sabine wasn't actually here. Leah had a feeling it would be an awkward conversation later, but she had shit to do. Checking her phone, she didn’t see a reply to that disastrous text she sent yesterday. But it did say it was opened. Leah felt her stomach turn over. What if she just burned one of the [i]three[/i] bridges she had around her? What if April was weirded out by it and couldn’t look at Leah the same way now? She said she had something to tell Leah, was it that she was [i]also[/i] feeling things for Sabine? Fuck, did she just break April’s fucking heart? [i]No, no, no, no, no-[/i] She nervously ran her hand through her hair and felt it catch something. A knot. Her hair didn’t normally clump up in knots, but that must’ve been because of the Devil’s Tango from yesterday. It had only been three in the damn evening, and she must’ve blacked out for the whole evening… Jeez. Leah wasn’t exactly sure how she was supposed to get knots out of hair like hers, but she’d worry about it later. It was something to fixate on, and it was a [i]small[/i] thing, but it grounded her thoughts. She had things to do today. Today was [i]the day.[/i] The gathered up all of the usual things she brought with her. Instead of an oversized coat, she opted for just a [url= https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.en_9ngHpPiDuFtTdrpwlbgHaLH%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=9bfcb1863f729d20bdad83f409906bd75144c0ef7ccf0fb4f46f6b67fc105f00&ipo=images]tank top and sweatpants[/url] today. Something told her she’d be active a lot today. [hr] When Leah eventually arrived at the gym, the floor had been swapped out for stone. Not concrete, not cement, or brick. Raw stone, like the bedrock beneath soil. She waited her turn and walked out into the middle of the gym. Leah gave everyone a chance to pay attention, because she wouldn't be doing this a second time. There was no hesitation, or flinching in the face of this. Leah had performed this exact same action a hundred times over during the summer, this would be the hundred and first. She shifted her weight, and swung her left leg up over her shoulder. In that same motion, Leah brought her foot down in an axe kick to slam the floor. The entire gym reverberated as though a bomb had went off, and suddenly the floor came to life. Several rectangular columns wide as a school bus shot up towards the ceiling with a loud [i]thump[/i] as the ceiling came downwards in the same way, forming pillars seamlessly. Leah then clenched her fists and raised them over her head, as if she were lifting a barbell. The ground she stood on split away, raising above the floor by a whole foot in a circular pattern, as square steps jutted downwards. The way she moved the material affected by her powers looked as though she was making it reshape itself on an atomic level, rather than simply move in different directions. There were no seams in the pillars or the platform to imply something was broken to allow their movements, only fluid changes to shape, as though the gym had turned into clay. If anyone looked closely enough, they could actually see the floor warping and bending like it was mud, even though it was solid as a rock. Leah still wasn't done, though. She spread her arms outward into a cross-like pose, and more pillars began to rise around Leah's platform, only instead of rectangles, there were cylindrical, and at the varying heights of most regular human beings. The final act of her demonstration as a single clap of her hands, loud enough to be confused for a gunshot. Following the clap, sand began to fall from every pillar in the gym, and collect into the shape of squares and discs under their respective shapes. In mere seconds, every column stretching to the ceiling was carved into patterns that resembles murals. There were five in total, and each one looked like something straight out of an ancient temple from a thousand years ago. There were humanoid figures wielding weapons in what looked like armies, fighting one another along the three dimensional surfaces. Meanwhile, the smaller pillars gave way to statues of various heroes. There were 13 of them in a scattered pattern around Leah's platform. Six of them were the original Avengers, the other nine included Storm, Nightcrawler, Vision, Silver Surfer, Colossus, Iron Fist, Iceman, Cyclops and the Phoenix. All of them seemed to be using their powers, or lack of powers, in some way. Leah didn't actually plan that part of the demonstration. In fact, she only had the idea after she walked in, but she had managed to essentially terraform the entire gym, in a very loud way, in less than a full minute. Leah gave the judges a full two minutes to take it all in, and clapped her hands again. Everything crumbled to sand, and settled into the floor almost like water. There were ripples in the floor that settled into a perfectly smooth, solid flat plane. There was no stray sand or dust... The gym was just as untouched as when she arrived. She walked down the stone steps she made, like she hadn't broken a sweat. The platform she stood on, too, dissolved into the floor, leaving no trace of her terraforming. [color=ff9a4f]"I’ve been waiting all summer to do that."[/color] And then she turned around and walked out of the gym without further elaboration, knowing they’d send their thoughts as paperwork. Now, what the hell was she going to do all day?