The slippery talk continued upstairs as cedar reached a heavy wooden door with well worn tracks on the floor leading through it. It was of course, shut tight. "I assure you I am not here to disturb your mission for my own personal gain, or to seek any kind of fame. Please resume your plan as you see fit, all I ask is for us to be with you until we reached the capital. You may choose any route you prefer and share not your thoughts with us, that is fine with me." Came that buttery voice through the overhead flooring. (The hell you say, you slippery leech.) He roiled inwardly, looking for how to open the damn door. It had a bit of a sticky latch, and he did not dare try beating on it. The prince however, seemed keen on getting out too, and had smaller and more nimble fingers. After a few attempts, he got the door latch unstuck, and the door open. Cedar gave him a silent gesture of approval, then the two slid into the cramped and musty service corridor, closing the sticky latch behind them. The floor sloped downward, and the corridor was cramped, at least by cedar's standards. He was relegated to going on all fours to avoid crouching, and it was barely wide enough for 2 humans. Cedar had no choice but to walk behind the prince into the gloom...