I hope she's alright! ^_^ This is the first CS I've made haha! Secret ID: Tiara (Tia) Elias Alias: Shade Walker Age: 16 Home Location: Gotham Powers: Teleportation (only within dark areas or in shade). Tiara can teleport multiple people at a time but only if the shade or darkness can accommodate them. If she attempts to teleport more people than the shade or darkness can fit then one individual from the group she’s teleporting will be teleported to a random location with shade. There is no telling where this person will end up, whether in shade or darkness nearby or far away. Weaknesses: Light; Whether artificial or natural, Tiara cannot come into direct contact with it. If she does she will develop 3rd degree burns wherever the light touches. Though light from flames does not hurt her. She also cannot teleport into anywhere with light, having to find a shadow nearby where she wishes to teleport that can accommodate her body size. If Tiara is left in the light for too long she will die of light exposure. So staying within the darkness in whatever way possible is critical for her survival. Equipment: Though she has a tool belt on her at all times she rarely uses it for items for herself, considering herself a pack mule of sorts for other equipment. Tiara typically carries only one piece of equipment for herself, that item being her light proof parasol. It’s exceptionally girly looking, with black lace covering its exterior while the interior is velvet lined. But hidden within the top of the parasol is a blade made of titanium, the fabric completely hydrophobic. Within the handle of the parasol also lies a secret compartment with cyanide tablets, just in case… she lost her mother to torture, she refuses to let the same happen to anyone else. Even at the cost of her own life. Appearance: Tiara is albino, her pale and slightly gray skin being without a hint of color just like her snow white hair and eyelashes. Her lips are a pale cherry blossom pink though the inner portion is always red as she has a nervous habit of biting her lips until the skin comes off. Her eyes are like rubies, a stark contrast to the rest of her. Her appearance has been likened to that of a model, though some think with her appearance she is more like an alien than human. She has a giant scar though upon her right hand from when she first encountered her weakness and subsequent powers. Her costume is a full body suit with a hood she clips into her long hair to keep it from falling off, a black mask covering her mask with light proof mesh over the eyes to prevent her corneas from being burned off. Her everyday attire consists of three key elements; cute styles, a lot of lace, and everything is black. Always paired with black sunglasses and a small cross necklace. Personality: Kind, Caring, Awkward, Shy, Well-meaning (Words will evolve throughout the role play) Brief Bio: Tiara was born from two meta humans though her mother was a supervillain whilst her father was a hero. After countless battles both physical and verbal the two found themselves falling in love, the two leaving Bludhaven behind and making a small life for themselves back in Gotham. Due to her mothers identity she had to hide within the walls of their apartment whilst her father worked tirelessly at a warehouse to support them both he never regretted it, eternally happy when they found out they were with child. But when she gave birth they realized Tiara wasn’t normal as she teleported herself into the closet that was completely pitch black. She was screaming her tiny lungs out, her skin red as if she had been put into a boiling bath. They quickly realized her powers and set to work removing anything that could harm her. After years in hiding one day Tiara’s father was caught using his powers to save some coworkers after a huge explosion, her mother’s old associates hunting him down and torturing him for her address. They murdered him in the warehouse he had toiled in for years and then murdered her mother in an alleyway next to their apartment. After her mother was found by the police they raided the apartment complex, finding Tiara and learning about her powers as just like when she was born she teleported to safety instinctively. They eventually found her in what appeared to be a safe room, taking her into custody and placing her in a dark cell with lights illuminating different areas. They eventually figured out that she could only teleport to places she had seen before, monitoring her carefully as they couldn’t be sure that her mother hadn’t influenced her. But in the end they deemed her harmless, deciding that if they could find someone to take her off their hands and train her they would gladly send her off to fight the good fight. Though with how shy and scared of the outside world she was they wondered if that would even be possible. Sample Post: [hider=I started typing and I couldn’t stop haha!]From the moment she was born there was always darkness, and always within it was Tiara herself. Tiara grew up in an apartment with her father and mother, her mother home schooling her by candlelight just as her grandmother had before her. Her father was always at work so Tiara barely remembered what he looked like, within her mind only vague features remained though time quickly distorted them. Despite his absence Tiara supposed they got along just fine without him, her mother only going out when it was absolutely necessary. Besides those rare occasions the two stayed hidden away from the world, sharing in the knowledge of classic literature and the warm embrace of familial love. Tiara only knew of the world through story, unknowing of the chaos going on outside the solid oak door of their apartment. But one day when her mother went out for groceries she didn’t come back home like she usually did. Within the darkness time passed by without any way for her to tell just how long it had been, the lack of warmth sorely missed by the young girl. She slept to stave off the ever growing hunger, praying with the small golden cross her mother had left in her care that she would soon return home. But one evening she was awoken by that solid oak door bursting open, beams of light circling around to see in the pitch black darkness where everything was. She held up her hand in front of her face as a beam of blinding light got close to her, her skin sizzling as she screamed in agony from the searing pain. She hid under the blanket in terror, the officers that approached turning off their lights as one of them scooped her out and brought her with them. She struggled against them with all her might but it was no use, she was stuck there with these strangers who she could only guess were men of the law. Inside her apartment walls was the safety and peace the outside world lacked, Tiara trembling as the lights and noises of the outside world bombarded her senses. The blanket helped to dampen the light but her skin felt feverish as neon colors bled through the fabric. It hurt.. It hurt so badly! She felt something tugging at her, pulling her somewhere else. She wanted to go home! [i]Poof![/i] Within a moment she landed somewhere soft, her head peeked out of the blanket to find herself back in her apartment. But she was within a hidden room in her apartment, her eyes widened as she realized she was seeing the apartment through a two way mirror. The officers flooded in but they couldn’t locate her, the light from what she could only assume were the flashlights she had read about not hurting her skin this time. But it illuminated the darkness within it, seeing articles with whom she could only assume was her father. He was a metahuman, his power to control fire had caused him to be named “The Spark.” But when she saw her mother upon the wall she felt like her whole world had dropped out from underneath her feet, the normal life her family had lived with being nothing but a fabrication of her mind. After all, her mother was a notorious villain called “the void.” A being who sucked all the light out of a place with her voids of darkness and could redirect that light in a targeted attack. Somehow the two had fallen in love, they had left the whole world behind… But it seemed as if their old life had found her. “Fuck…”[/hider]