Aleksandar woke up in his bed covered in sweat, he had the same terrible nightmare that seemed to occur every other night. The dream consisted of him standing alone in an abandoned building wearing his army uniform while with the Serbian army, then walking down a long hallway and into an opened door. All while a woman's voice was calling his name. Stepping into a room where a young boy and a mother were cowering in the corner. He had his trusty Zastava M70 assault rifle at the ready. The mother was using her body as a shield to try and protect her child. Screaming something in a language he didn't understand. Before he could pull the trigger thankfully he woke up. “Damn it.” He stood up to get a towel from the bathroom to wipe down the sweat. Performing his morning ritual. He had gotten a text from Nikhil to come to meet him at the Diamond Casino. Why he was needed he did not know, but he assumed he would find out when he gets there. After preparing himself he left his apartment and headed towards his car. Getting into his jalopy of a car riding off towards Diamon Casino. After what seemed like a long trip he parked his car, and walked over to the main entrance of the casino. Walking past security and towards Nikhil’s office. The fat Russian man was sitting in his chair, searching god knows what on his laptop. “Why did you call me?” The hitman said bluntly while Nikhil was sitting in his office. Nikhil smiled and got out of his chair, “Well good morning to you too Alexsandar. Well since you asked. I have some people coming in wanting to discuss our production line, and i need some extra help while giving them the grand tour.” “Why don’t you have Timur go with you? I’m not a security guard, ” A fair point as he was just a hitman. But perhaps his boss wanted some extra security at the meeting. “Timur will be here soon, but I just need a bit more security IF things get out of hand.” Nikhil said with a smile on his face. Alexsandar nodded in agreement as Timur came through the door. Not even address Alex, which was fine with the hitman as he didn’t like the man that much. The two men were talking before Alex was instructed to follow them to the conference room. All three men sat down in some chairs positioned in front of some large windows. Timur and Nikhil were talking to each other, while Alexsandar was nervously watching the door.