[H2][color=#9cb6c3][right]Solomon Sparrow[/right][/color][/H2] [right][b][color=#9cb6c3]Location: [/color][/b] Fanghorn, Kindeance [/right] [hr] A lot of admiral Silas’ words did not match with what the party already knew. If the admiral was privy with the prince’s whereabouts, then he would have known he should have been at the royal forest. Being this far north was very suspicious. Even had the admiral investigated the royal forest and the nearby villages, it would have taken more than the day to arrive here. Similarly, the king wished to keep the kidnapping as secret as possible. For what possible reason would the admiral to have men stations at Pesti for one? And two, why would those men be aware of anything involving the prince? It all pointed to the admiral being in league with those who kidnapped the royal heir to begin with. Rather than call him out, Matilda attempted to push misinformation. The group was after the assassins, not the prince. Solomon remained silent, watching the dialog unfold, yet still keeping an eye on Silas. Hidden beneath the mask, Solomon spoke softly that only the dead would hear. One shadow was to keep watch in case of more new arrivals, much to Chounan’s suggestion earlier. The other was to join Cedar and the prince below, acting as another set of eyes for them. That shadow would remain hidden from view even from them, only revealing itself to warn them of upcoming trouble. Petra crosser her arms again, both her spectral and corporeal halves. She remained silent. Unless Silas’s party had their own magical means of detecting the shadows much like Asevor, they would remain hidden, impossible to see. Otherwise, the admiral would have already known they were there. Then Jazdia revealed the hand. Solomon did not know what angle she was playing, but for the moment, both sides were at am impasse. It looked as though Silas was attempting to prevent further acts of treason, moving in a way to get what he wanted in a means that couldn’t bring him further distress. Unlike that of his brother and the situation involving the Black Serpent Guild. To accompany the group, it sounded like a rouse. The admiral was not without guile. It was difficult to tell, but there lay the possibility Silas would strike should be accompany the party regardless of the route taken. Solomon expected Silas was waiting for the prince to be presented. Whether he kept his word until he was ready to involuntarily relieve the prince from the party, or took advantage of the group now.