[center][color=08a04b][u][h3]Kendra[/h3][/u][/color][/center] There is a long pause as Kendra's still half-asleep brain tries to process what she just heard. [color=08a04b]"Your... grandmother?"[/color] they eventually respond as they start going through a mental list of every old lady they've ever encountered... which, given they work at a coffee shop, is [i]not[/i] a short list. Memories of some pleasant elderly customers flash through their mind, followed by memories of far less pleasant customers. Screaming customers, shouting customers, 'I Would Like to Talk to your Manager' customers. Really, it was surprising how angry people could get over as something as simple a cup of coffee. Realising there was no way she could tell which of these people could be this woman's grandmother just from speculation alone, Kendra decided a more direct approach. [color=08a04b]"Err, sorry, what is your name?"[/color] they say, hoping that at least might ring some kind of bell.