Here's the first one. Still a WIP [hider=Nathan] Description: [img=] [img=] Apparel: [img=] Demigod Form:[img=] Name: Neltharion Alduin (calls himself Nathan to hide his true heritage) Age: 16 Race: Dragonite (claims to be a Regia Enforcer though) Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Windgracian PoB: A cave in the middle of nowhere Rank: Second in Command of the Blue Empyrean Knights. Academy: Windgracian Magical Academy of Arts and Strategy Skill Type: Despair Class: WIP Mount: None, he refuses to ride another living being Mount's Name: None Interests: Cooking. It's the only thing he can do that creates, instead of destroys Favorite Interest: Cooking Dislikes: His own kind Love Interest: Hasn't put any thought into it. Since he doesn't think anyone could love him, he never saw the need to consider it Person of Interest: None Fiance/Spouse: None Bestfriend: None Rival: None, he doesn't care enough to have one Most Hated Word: Dragonite Religion: None Idol God: None Holy Blood: Goddess of Alteration ~ Agnevastra Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: None right now Opposite: Mithos Quote: "I'll either die a hero, or live long enough to see myself become the villain" Important Value in Life: Never turn away a hand in need Favorite Food: Having grown up all alone and having to fend for himself, he's not too picky Household Name: None Ancestry: Only known relatives were his parents, who are now dead Ambition: To die a hero Sin Guilty of Most: WIP Title: Dragon Slayer Combat Style: A self taught brawler style Weapon preference: His two swords Weapon Name: Ysera and Nozdormu. Both swords are magical. They are attracted to each other and will seek the other out. If one or both are thrown, they will be pulled to the other. They will also come when called. As of now, they only respond to Nathan [img=] [img=] Magic Systems: Elemental, Holy, Spiritual Element: Inferno, Vortex, Miracle Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C+ Special Skills: Dragonite's gift: grants one person the his physical and magical power. If used on a non Dragonite, it will change them into a half dragon form based on the users own. Chi Overload: Super charges his body with Chi, dramatically increasing his strength, but making him slower and heavier Burning Cloak: Can use Ki to coat in body and weapons in Inferno magic Strength of Blood: This is a special skill granted to him through his skill type Despair. Not concerned for his own life, Nathan can use his own life force to fuel his strength. This however puts a huge strain on his body Flame Vow: He eats fire and craps smoke. Fire can't hurt him Ki Explosion: Can overload objects with his Ki, causing them to break Personality: Nathan has had little experience interacting with others socially, and it shows. He's extremely awkward in conversation and doesn't understand a lot of social norms. In battle though, he's right at home. Having had to fight his way through life, combat is second nature to him now Biography: Born in a cave, young Neltharion grew up knowing only his loving parents. Life then was simple, as his family were hermits. Then one day that all changed; The cave where he lived was attacked my a group of Dragonite haters. Unable to fight back and defend their son, his parents were mortal wounded, using their massive bodies to hide their child. After their attackers had left, they freed Neltharion from his fleshy prison. As there last act among the living, they transferred what little life force they had left into one of their fangs, which they then gave to their son. After a tearful goodbye, Neltharion left before anyone else came along. After a few weeks alone and hungry in the cruel winter, and old blacksmith found him and took him in. After using his parents fangs to forge him two swords, the old man took care of him until spring, when he died. On his death bed, the old man gave him a strange diamond ring, claiming that it was his last hope to make up for his mistake. While he didn't understand what he meant, he took the ring nevertheless During his travels, he came across many of his kin who used their power to terrorize those weaker then them. While he tried to solve these problems peaceful at first, his repeatedly failed attempts left him slightly jaded. He eventually came to the conclusion that all Dragonites were inherently evil...including himself. Since then, he's hidden his true heritage and took up the name Nathan. During a raid on a Dragonite run slavery ring, someone from the Windgracian Magical Academy of Arts and Strategy saw him and offered to make him a student there. Seeing it as an opportunity to die the way he wanted to, Nathan accepted in a heartbeat [/hider]