The soldiers arrived first. They came running down the street, half out of uniform and in a panic, frantically loading muskets as they took up positions in the surrounding buildings and along the stone walls that surrounded the house. They had just about managed to sort themselves out into something resembling a decent fighting force when the Governor himself arrived. He too had dressed in some haste, his expensive purple robe two entire buttons out of alignment and powdered wig upside down, exposing the wires. He was a heavy set man, with drooping jowls and fluffy mustaches that gave him the look of an agrivatated porcupine. He took a brass speaking trumpet from his captain of the guard. "Come out ye knaves, we have you surrounded!" he barked in a voice that quavered too much to hold much authority. "You cannot get off the island without my leave, surrender now and I may be inclined to take pity on you!" Sketti and several pirates snickered and several of the hostages made half hearted whimpers. "He has a mage with him, somewhere," Calliope reported, gazing around with her mage sight for the tell tale signs. She could feel him out there, but either he was well hidden, or he was dressed as one of the soldiers. It was impossible to tell how good he was. Though the very difficulty she was having in locating him argued for skill rather than incompetence.