[color=ec008c]'A Help huh?" [/color] Matilda glared at Jazdia, and the latter did the same as well. However, the elf was the first to break free. She was smiling, and the energetic demeanor she displayed would be very unnerving even to people who barely know her. [color=ec008c]"Why the hell not?! There is no harm in having an esteemed Admiral escorting you, Right Mattie? Especially not when... an unidentifiable menace like Mechean Terrorist could be lurking about, and you are uncertain about your current capability to defend yourself and those who are dear to you."[/color] It was a jab for both Silas and Matilda, but it was more on Matilda, to be honest. If you want to be tough, back it up. Fake it if needed, and measure yourself. It was ridiculous to bare your fangs while you had to limp about just to show it closer to your enemy. [color=ec008c]"Speaking about the prince..."[/color] Jazdia turned to Solomon. Again, tactfully scanned the floor beneath them as she transferred her attention to the lanky old man. [color=ec008c]"One of your [i]sentries[/i] was with Cedar, was it not? I'm surprised you don't say anything." [/color] She turned to Matilda again, there was no sense of alertness when she relayed the information. [color=ec008c]"I think you should know. The prince is no longer in this building. The bear is dragging him away as we speak." [/color]