[center][h1][b]Ǫlni The Forgemaster[/b][/h1][/center] [hr] The dwarf hopped out of the pick up, parking at the edge of the street and stomping through the grass. He ignored the dog that stomped out and started yowling, and he made it to the front door. He knocked on the wooden frame, hard. Eventually a young man answered, tan skinned and dark of hair. "Who are you?" Ǫlni asked. "Uh, Fred?" He asked by way of question, wondering what this short man who had not even introduced himself yet was doing at the front door. "Get me Harald. Tell him Ǫlni needs him. Time is of the essence." He gave an incredulous look, but he went back in and a minute later, Harald walked out with a natural bud lite in his hand. He looked a bit spooked to see the dwarf. "What are you doing here?" He asked, almost conspiratorially. "I have a patient for ye. Come with me." He said, and began walking back to his truck. After a moment of protest, Harald cursed in norwegian and hurried inside to grab his supplies before hustling over to get in the truck. Ǫlni put the pedal to the metal and they arrived back at his shop minutes later, having filled him in on the situation. Harald walked into the shop with wide eyes, placing his bag down and gaping at the wings on the woman, still bleeding. Ǫlni knew she was too tough to bleed out so quickly, but Harald needed to work fast. "See that she lives. Oh and see if ye can wake her up." The dwarf ordered. "That is uh, not how this works." Harald said, sweating. [@Penny]