[H2][color=#9cb6c3][right]Solomon Sparrow[/right][/color][/H2] [right][b][color=#9cb6c3]Location: [/color][/b] Fanghorn, Kindeance [/right] [hr] “Er, yes, but…” Solomon paused before he continued with his lack of response. Silas had let on about how much he knew which was a dangerous amount, but up until now, there wasn’t much concrete proof. Yet, Jazdia thought it appropriate to reveal what Silas could only speculate. In some parts, it made sense. Silas was meticulous. His position as admiral was not done for the sake of nepotism. He had genuine strength and skill to back up his position. Yet, it also gave the party less time to come up with counter measures. Solomon was not pleased about the situation as it was developing, but he kept that part to himself. As of now, Solomon was aware that the prince and Cedar were still in the cellar. Or at least, where still in the underground area connected to it. It sounded like others were there as well, seeking shelter from the earlier storm. Beyond a disguise, Solomon wasn’t sure what he was doing, but it looked to be as Jazdia said. Cedar was taking the prince out the back. “Ahem.” Solomon coughed, “I didn’t think my sentry much to report. As of now, there haven’t been any surprises.”