"'VonnIe said he were 'admiral' somebody. Made a sarcas'ic joke 'bout him bein' far away from da sea. --His story done stink like a rottin' dead fish, 'ats asure!' Upon hearing the sounds of crying children, desperate villagers, and catching the smell of blood, sweat, and a heavy air of fear and despair from up ahead, the bear stopped cold, listened intently, snuffed the air then cursed. 'Aww shit.' "Mister Cedar?" Asked the prince in confusion. 'Look kid, Mos' people's dun really like havin' yers truly sneakin' up on em in de dark, let 'lone dark, tight places like 'is. They tends ta ... ... 'take exception' afore Is kin e'en git a word in edgewise--' his voice trailed off in volume, but kept right on uninterrupted as he muttered worriedly to himself. '....ok, think ya dumb bear... how ya gunna git outta dis dump without becommin' some dumb fuckers rug? .... think....' The bearman literally sat on the ground and bowed his head down, with an inscrutable, but tense look about him for several seconds, before slowly turning it toward the prince again. "Ok Alec, here what we gunn'a do-- Yer name aint Alec. Think a sommat right naow, an stick wit' it. You's a peasant boy from Pesti-- an I's yer pet bear, got it? Yas was usin' meh to hunt fer mushrooms, an' got caught in'da storm earlier. Ya headed fer da firs' intact buildin' ya coul' fin', and foun' da keep deserted, got it? Call meh what'er ya like, I'll go along wit' it an' play muh part-- just try an' keep it sommat respectful, yahear? I dun wanna be havi ta ans'er ta no fuckin' 'fluffy' shit, got it? I dun' know how ta talk, but is 'real smart 'n playful' got it?' He waited for the prince to nod his understanding, before continuing. 'An one more thang-- grab wha'ere bit a paper ya kin git yer purdy manicured hands on! Paper, Parchment if'n dey gots it, hell-- rip da labels off'n some wine bottles, I dun care, 'slong as it some paper. Git some, or anuhthang else likes it, and shoves it in ya pockets, all discrete like, got it? I's been separated frum muh own clothin' at da moment, an aint got no pockets, so I needs ya ta do dis. Is real important."