Jazdia's glanced back at the orc expressionlessly. That smile faded and that playful demeanor diminished. The play ended now, and it was about time. Her eyes darted around Silas and his men, then through the wall. Since Asevor's demise, the tower had lost much of its magical barrier, allowing her to see in and out clearer than before. Every civilian, and every man and woman walking in her line of sight she scanned them all. Nothing out of the ordinary, and back to Silas, no magical signal being sent out. That damn Baker, was he for real? What really matters now Cedar was taking a VIP away from them, for an unknown reason. That made him even more suspicious than the Delving duo, and that made her want to laugh in the face of that irony. It was ten seconds passed, and Silas Delving looked as if the information troubled him. He wanted to speak, but Matilda stole the chance [b][color=00a651]"So it seems that Cedar have more tact than you. I would call it surprising, but that would be a lie. What are you playing at? Out with it. Fucking subterfuge..."[/color][/b] The crassness of the demand stunned her, But Jazdia quickly shook it off. [color=ec008c]"Easy, Mattie. I don't think I am obliged to answer that. Also, I am not your subordinate, remember?"[/color] Jazdia walked toward Cedar's damp robes and tossed the Kompass toward Matilda. [color=ec008c]"We have a more pressing matter at hand now; I will take the other way, you follow Cedar. I will guide you with my power. Sounds good?" [/color] [center]---[/center] At that moment Matilda's hand balled into a fist, her bicep and neck hardening as a rock, yet Jazdia remained undaunted, she advanced forward, eyes shifted between the tunnel bellow and the disgruntled orc in front of her. [b][color=007236]"No?"[/color][/b] A dangerous glint flashed in the Knight-Captain's eyes, very much dissatisfied with how this elf conduct herself. Internal conflict, this close to the end? Or was she intentionally doing so, in some deranged scheme to hedge her bet with Silas Delving present? Matilda was not having this. She caught the communication device and tossed it back to the elf, the refusal plain enough even without any words. [b][color=007236]"Then be on your way. Accompany the admiral, since you like him so much. Doctor Solomon, have your scout signal Cedar to turn around. We are leaving from the front door."[/color] Sinc[/b]e Silas was so graciously informed, there's no more point to playing dumb. [b][color=007236]"As for you, Admiral Delving. I do not trust you. Get out and keep your distance, or I shall take this as an obstruction of his majesty's will. If you truly worry about the baron's land you are welcome to return after we depart."[/color][/b] [center]----[/center] Jazdia caught the brass locket with one hand, exchanging a brief glance with the impatient orc before turning to Solomon. [color=ec008c]"Well, please do so, Doctor Solomon."[/color] There was a pause. Considering that Matilda was not interested in finding the prince, Jazdia decided to not give up on Silas. The orc's repudiation? It means nothing to her. [color=ec008c]"Okay, let's drop the act. Admiral Silas, We all suspect your family to be the mastermind of the entire scheming. No, save your breath, you understand what we are capable of. Do me a favor and don't deny until I am finished, or I will say nothing more.[/color] Okay, one fact had been established. Now, to Matilda. It didn't really matter if the knight captain refuses to hear. The information could be beneficial regardless. But she did hope that Matidal would be willing to listen. [color=ec008c]"Knight-Captain. If Admiral was as dangerous as you suspected him to be, and sought to end us, don't you feel it was strange for him to come to us with three Soldiers and a bodyguard? Why would he bother? He doesn't have any sentry stationed outside. Why didn't he just prepare an ambush on the road and claim the VIP for himself? To lower our guard? Please, he doesn't have to do that. There are too many witnesses here, and too many risks involved." [/color] Jazdia turned to Silas again, measuring the man, securing the motive before the man proclaim his own. The prediction didn't have many flaws in its logic, but she was still taking a bet, calculated probability still beared uncertainty. [color=ec008c]"That doesn't exclude the possibility that there will be dangers waiting for us, but why give up the element of surprise? Showing your nose here is enough to alert us all. You still have something to hide Admiral, and I know it will be your next bargaining chip. You are not stupid enough to prepare this dangerous meeting for something we do not want to hear. So, I decided to risk it.[/color] The elf paused to catch her breath. [color=ec008c]"The milady has asked, it was mistakenly directed to me, but we know I have nothing to hide. So it should be you; [i]What are you playing at? Out with it."[/i] [/color]