It was not every day Admiral Silas Delving found himself being questioned like a prisoner. It seemed he was approaching this from a wrong angle, but he couldn't really blame them. He expected this bunch of hirelings would just nod at his request and all would be done nicely. He, at one point, realized was wishful thinking, and would settle by telling one of them the truth about his circumstances. There was a speck of hope when the elf entered the stage but it all crumbling to dust when strong disagreement sparked in the group. The elf looked at him, there was no emotion in her face, while at Matilda, he did not dare to look. After carefully considering his options, Silas took a deep breath and began. [color=FEF9A7]"What I have been saying is nothing but truth and truth only." [/color] There was a low growl, and the elf shook her head. [color=FEF9A7]"But about my motive, I am ready to disclose it if you are willing to listen."[/color] The admiral Suddenly lowered himself and sit on the floor, dried vines and other small debris did not bother him somehow [color=FEF9A7]"My father tasked us to check the Baron in response to his letter this morning. The circumstances about your rescue attempt never arrived to him when I was there, not yet, I made some attempt to delay that. But I fear it would at some point." [/color] [color=FEF9A7]"Why did you delay the information?"[/color] the elf asked. [b][color=FEF9A7]"Because I never agreed to this."[/color][/b]The Admiral shook his head lightly before continuing with unrestrained dejection. [b][color=FEF9A7]"Because I know this could lead... to my family's downfall. This enterprise is foolish! And any sane man could see that. Kidnapping a prince? And then what? Kill him? Selling him off to Meche? What good it could achieve?" [/color][/b] Silas straightened his posture, clearing his throat so he could continue with a low, yet clear volume. As if afraid Kirsten would hear, but knew all along it was useless. [b][color=FEF9A7]"My intention was to go against my father's plan."[/color][/b] he grimaced as he shook his head, as if the very confession pained him. [b][color=FEF9A7]"Had you not arrived, I would have demanded the Baron to release him, pay Asevor his money, and escort the prince back to the Capital. But now here we are, and I still have to clear my family's name somehow." [/color][/b] [color=ec008c]"By hitching on our effort when the job is done?"[/color] Jazdia chimed in, this time joining him by sitting against each other. The Admiral smiled in misplaced pride. [b][color=FEF9A7]"Politician does not care about the details. My family and their cohorts have been embellishing facts for as long as I could remember. The clandestine nature of this operation makes it possible to do so. You will not be the one who appears in the printed bulletins. But any recognizable face would, and that will be our political leverage." [/color][/b] It was hard to guess the tone of his confession. It sounded disgustingly amoral, but Silas delivered it in a way that it was not something to gloat or be ashamed of, but rather a plain reality. [color=FEF9A7]"I truly wish for his highness to arrive safely, I really do. If he was severely harmed or killed, or keep detained we can't maintain the status quo anymore, sooner or later. [/color] The admiral looked away as he continued. he was still calm, but a stroke of emotion in his voice was apparent. [b][color=FEF9A7]"It was something Father did not see. His personal ambition blinded him, and sadly we can't always deny his command. My brother Aaron was the first to take the brunt after fulfilling his will. I do not ask you to forgive or sympathize with him, but I hope it could give you a clearer picture of my motive."[/color][/b] [color=ec008c]"So why do you try to reach us?" [/color] Silas was slightly taken aback when the elf tilted her head as if deliberately trying to dumb down her perceived logic. The orc next to them appeared to be uncared by the conversation, but he knew she was listening. To that question, the admiral commanded his soldier to bring a square cage with two homing birds in it. [b][color=FEF9A7]"My father tasked us to report immediately upon reaching Fanghorn. We began our journey this morning, meaning he is expecting one of our messages to arrive anytime around this hour, we sent none, and that would agitate him. My father was not a patient man, and there are a lot of ways for him to obtain information. We have our men stationed everywhere, and the raid at Pesti this morning was not exactly silent. The news might not reach him in the fastest way, but it certainly would." [/color][/b] [b][color=FEF9A7]"Yes, you are right, Ma'am. That means there could be several ambushes prepared for us. The ambushers might or might not know what they are signed for like the sorry mercenary band at Pesti, but it doesn't matter. His [i]Usuals[/i] will take care of the dirtiest part. I was hoping, with us going with you those people would stand down. You see, I am not asking you to trust me; I have said it all, the bad, the good, and the ugly. Now you know my motive, and we both have a common goal. Let us work together." [/color][/b]