[H2][color=#9cb6c3][right]Solomon Sparrow[/right][/color][/H2] [right][b][color=#9cb6c3]Location: [/color][/b] Fanghorn, Kindeance [/right] [hr] It was still too soon to see how truthful Silas was with his motivations and plans. And knowing now the maid character is another of the Delving family, something still felt off. One person from the family could make sense, but another with Kirsten was convenient. The Delving family had a lot of power among the noble houses, and slowly it seemed to be dismantling. First there was Aaron’s demotion, and not Silas’ deflection. Perhaps it was time to give the admiral the benefit of the doubt. “I’ve been around long enough to know what you’re attempting to do. You should know such plans never work. The dark stains left behind will forever mark the family, and will eventually tear it down. Either by the people it rules, or the people who ruled over it. I commend your attempts to right the wrongs in your own way. However, it may be time to separate yourself form them. You will lose the power of your family name, but your decisions here forward may reward you with favor yet. I do not wish for you to misplace your motivations if you truly wish to seek an end to the deceit.” Down within the tunnels connecting the cellar, the shadow began to stir. Cedar and the prince were enacting some kind of odd plan. Solomon had passed the order to turn the two back. For it was both Jazdia and Matilda that wished it so. As the two were searching for paper, the prince wrestled with the sticky glue that bound a paper label to one of the bottles. The shadow that was watching over them suddenly revealed itself, growing from the ground. It created a wall of blackness separating Cedar and the prince from everyone else attempting to break through the blockade. A startled yelp echoed as one of the peasants was caught by surprise, and several others clambered away. The shadow ignored the confused and frightened murmurs of the citizens as it returned to its humanoid shape. The shadow was still for only a moment, making sure it had grabbed the attention of the bear and heir duo. It did the equivalent of puffing it’s chest to look like it was blocking the way forward and then pointed back towards the cellar beneath the keep. It did so multiple times, directing them to head back to the others.