So... this is gonna be my first hard no. As far as the story goes, as this is starting shortly before the Forces Arc, Sonic's family is honestly pretty well established at this point. His mother is a non-royal lineage Aleena who lives in Central City with his older sister and younger brother, Sonia and Manic respectively. Sonic, on the other hand, lives with Aleena's brother Charles on South Island. All three siblings inherited their speed from their mother, some more than others. His father I don't believe I've ever even thought to mention, as it never was important to the story being told or the plot but it's pretty clear that he is out of the picture for one reason or another. And this late into the story it would seem rather... out of place to suddenly introduce him. Nothing against his character from the comics or anything, he just... doesn't fit. Also the God Powers... no. XD