Location Havershel Estate [hr] [@Click This][@AzureKnight] “As far as I am aware and as I’ve been able to find out,” Livia began as the vehicle pulled to a halt in front of the manor. “It is the only piece in his collection that is of any interest. If my theory and knowledge is correct…that particular relic was used to seal a powerful Arch-demon in ages past by the name of Xrael of the Blood-letting flame. I don’t need to tell you how dangerous such an artifact is.” She didn’t spare a glance to the carriage as the door opened. She’d step out, adjusting her blade lightly and making sure everything was in proper order before holding out a hand to help Polina out of the vehicle. “Unexpected guests,” She’d say. “Tend to make such events much more interesting in my experience.” Livia would leave Lucrecia to exit the vehicle herself, as she’d instead take Polina’s hand in hers, a soft smile displayed as she’d lead her ‘date’ up to the entrance of the manor. After showing the invitation, the trio would be allowed in without a second glance. The entry hall was richly decorated in greens and golds, the floor polished and shined to perfection, chatter of other nobles already present and heard from within the main banquet and showing hall where the trio was soon led to. A servant pushed open the heavy double doors, and as they stepped inside, they were greeted with at least a two dozen nobles from all around the empire of varying status. It seemed they had arrived just in time. Lord Havershel wasn’t anywhere to be seen for the moment, but a servant was informing everyone that the majority of the guests that had said they’d be arriving for the showing had arrived and the showing and the showing will be starting shortly. A number of tables had been set out with refreshments. As the carriage suggested however, two members of the church of Oros had already made their presence known. [url=https://i.imgur.com/vuFc1cM.jpg]A blond haired woman in a robe, likely some sort of priestess.[/url] Next to her was a [url=https://i.imgur.com/RMA9Qa9.jpg]dark haired woman wearing armor, draped in the black imagery of the Church.[/url] They were in a quiet corner of the room, receiving quite obvious glares from some of the other nobles gathered. “What say we go introduce ourselves?” Livia asked her companion. “It's not everyday a member of the Oros church attends an event held by the nobility.” [hr] [@VitaVitaAR][@Pyromania99] Lyssa watched Eliz run off, glancing between Katherine and the demon. With a giggle, she’d shrug and follow off after Eliz, ignoring Katherine’s proposed idea. The guard in question was standing near the entrance. He didn’t seem particularly enthused to be here, a long, bored yawn escaping his throat as Eliz approached. “Gah-!“ Which, rather humorously, gave him a bit of a start right in the middle of it. He quickly regained his composure, blinking a bit in surprise as he’d stare down at the diminutive maid in front of him. “H-huh? What are you talking about?” He’d frown, glancing over at Katherine and the other maid that was washing the linens. Lyssa walked up behind Eliz. “Sorry boss, what she’s saying is to let us in.” “...uh, right sure.” He’d say, glancing to the pink haired maid, seemingly weighing his options. “Don’t have a key or something? Must be new,” He’d shrug, not seeming intent on checking their credentials. “You think they’d tell me when they're getting new maids, but nooo, never do.” He’d say, moving to open the door to the place for them, pulling out a hefty key to unlock it. “Go see the head maid and get your keys if I were you.” Perhaps suspiciously so. Once inside, they’d find themselves in small hallway. A number of other maids were moving about. It seemed this was a storage and quarters for the live-in maids and other workers. None seemed to bat them too much of an eye, aside from pushing past.