[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=32CD32]Diana Novikova[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tenor.com/8Ab_DjEOf3MAAAAC/mia-smoak-queen-kat-mcnamara.gif[/img] [i]Location: Avenger's Academy, the Gym - Training Room B w/ Ser Nemo and Usagi Skills: Archery, Athletics, Acrobatics, & Quantum Teleportation/[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Diana woke up pretty early that morning, she opted to wear a simple black tank top, along with some sweat pants as well to. She was a little bit nervous about how her audition would actually she waited until it was her turn, when it was her turn Diana got up and entered the gym. She looked around the gym, she had requested an obstacle course, with some tanks of water to soften her fall in case she did fail, something similar to the shows like American Ninja Warrior. She had also requested targets that constantly moved as well to in order to make things more challenging for her, Diana wanted to show off more of her normal skills first before showing off her power which she was going to do last. On a nearby table there was a bow, and a quiver of normal arrows and a pair of archery gloves as well to. Normally she would have gone for her own, but she didn't want to use any of her custom trick arrows. [color=32CD32]"Good morning."[/color] Diana said looking at Ser Nemo and Usagi who were the judges this morning, she made her way over to the table she slipped on the archery gloves and then strapped the quiver of arrows. Diana made sure that she requested so that the arrows wouldn't fall out of the quiver until she was ready to fire. Once Diana was ready she made her way over towards the ramp, then the first target popped out which she quickly took out her bow and quickly fired off an arrow, which flew true and managed to hit it's mark. Diana then moved forward, and jumped. The first obstacle was a set of monkey bars, which she moved as quickly as she could and made it to the other end without any issues. The next obstacle before her was a balancing beam with a pool of water below and a few rotating rods that she'd have to jump over as Diana ran forward she jumped over it. When a target popped in front of her rather quickly as it started to go up and down she drew back her bow and fired off another arrow which hit it's target once more before going away. And Diana proceeded forward running forward while keeping her balance. Diana took a moment to catch her breath when three more targets came up around her Diana fired off three more arrows before going forward coming face to face with a rock climbing wall. Some of the rocks were moving or looked pretty loose as well to. Diana started to climb forward when she nearly lose her grip due to a loose grip but she managed to get her grip once more. It almost happened again when a boxing glove came out nearly hitting her in the face but luckily she didn't get hit with it. When Diana got to the top of the rock wall there was only one more obstacle to go through which was a warped wall, she leaned forward slightly taking a few more deep breaths. She looked it up and down before running down the wall that she was on, using her speed and momentum to move forward as she ran up the other end of the warped wall and became much steeper she started to loose her speed. She had just enough momentum to get to the top of the wall. Diana slowly pulled herself up as she reached the final obstacle of the course, she looked down at the two judges and gave them a slight smile and waved. In a flash of bright blue light Diana was gone as she teleported away, and reappeared in a local sushi restaurant near the campus. Diana quickly ordered two plates of sushi and sashimi making sure that there were some chopsticks as well to go and paid for the two meals before teleporting out of the restaurant and reappearing behind Ser Nemo and Usagi setting the plates down. Hoping to get some brownie points with them as she gave them the two pairs of chopsticks. [color=32CD32]"Hopefully it isn't early for sushi."[/color] Diana said to them as she made her way back to the table, setting down the bow and quiver along with the archery gloves. [color=32CD32]"Thank you for your time."[/color] Diana said giving the two of them a bow as she left the gym behind.