[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230430/2b0300d797f357f74d2525f3e0106965.png[/img] [hr][/center] Apollo's inquiry of the small town just outside the college seemed to respark the banter between his new classmates. Was it really something so divisive? Or perhaps it was that this lot had yet to find common ground. Or, maybe they just liked to throw verbal jabs at each other- the one named Blake seemed like he did, anyway. Apollo's eyes trailed down to Blake's gauze around his arms as he seemed to strike a nerve with Theo, and wondered if it was related, but kept that idea secluded away from the possibility of prying into another hurtful subject. Instead, he pivoted both his eyes and head to the two girls on his other side, as he seemed just as intrigued as Dionysia that Iris would find a simple bed to be so luxurious. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, I'm glad to hear that you slept well, at least!"[/color] He released some of the tension between the five of them with a small laugh, just in time for a sixth student to approach. Someone he hadn't seen in during the opening ceremony; did he come from somewhere else in the crowd? Or was he late? Apollo shrugged when the student asked permission to join, offering a bit of clarity with [color=7ea7d8]"I don't think its up to us, we were all assigned into cohorts. But uhh, I don't see why you can't chat with us until we're all sent off to our dorms."[/color] Apollo's hand lifted to the new student, accompanied by a warm smile. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm Apollo, and these are-"[/color] he looked over his shoulder at the others in the conversation, taking a second to coagulate their names in his head. [color=7ea7d8]"Iris, Dionysia, Theo, and Blake,"[/color] he listed from left to right, before facing back to him. [color=7ea7d8]"And you are?"[/color] [@Scribe of Thoth][@Crowvette][@Ignorancebliss]