[GM Post] Elves. So goddamn mercurial. Matilda was half of mind to slap the unknown artifact off, but she reined her temper and took a listen. Her scowl deepened at the transcription, eyes flickering to the last glint of Silas' coat as he left the room. As promised. She could breath slightly easier now, and refocused. [b][color=00a651]"...I still dont like your behavior, Crystalspark."[/color][/b] Stated the Knight-Captain by the end, returning the earpiece once there's no more dialogue to be had. [b][color=00a651]"But fine, I admit that you have your reason. Not a great one, still. I apologize for my earlier outburst."[/color][/b] Now, coupled with the Delving's confession... there's a picture to be seen here. How much could the man be trusted, though? He had an angle to this himself. Minimizing the damage to the Delving name, so that he would inherit the legacy mostly intact? Duke Delving will not get out of this unscratched. Hell, she doubt he'd get out of this alive at all. But how much of the family burnt down in the process, that's up to Silas' performance. [b][color=00a651]"I would not trust the admiral near the prince. None of us will be able to do anything if he grab the prince and flee with his ability."[/color][/b] A glance was spared to Veronica's cloaked figure, presence barely felt in the night. The vampiress likely could, if night have fallen. But she's nowhere near enough to best Silas in combat. [b][color=00a651]"He can be our outrider, if he so wish. Not one step closer. But what is your take on this matter?"[/color][/b] How bad of an ambush can the duke arrange for anyway? The entire kingdom is in high alert, armed men travelling in large group will be spotted and questioned by Kindeance patrol. Unless Delving had wormed far enough into the army... Elsewhere, the prince took a sharp breath at the title. Kindeance only had one admiral in active duty at the moment. And that was Silas Delving. A bonafide hero! Wouldn't that be good news, then? He's among the best fighter the kingdom had. A bit strange that he arrived late, but surely an admiral was busy? [b][color=#d896ff]"Admiral Silas?! I've met him before, he's a great man. Did my father sent him? It's quite far from the sea, but the matter of my kidnapping is no small thing."[/color][/b] No one had told him about the circumstances, so he's understandably not getting the urgency. The thought that the Delving could be involved didn't quite crossed his mind. [b][color=#d896ff]"We should return. With the admiral around, no amount of assassin or kidnapper can succeed-"[/color][/b] Alec suppressed a yelp as the path darkened- no, it was one of doctor Solomon's shadowy servant. It was... miming something? Continuing to point backward at the way they came from... [b][color=#d896ff]"Doctor Solomon? Wait, they cant speak. What do you think he meant?"[/color][/b] He spared a glance at the back, not seeing anything at all. Images of bogeymen jumping out of the corner rose instead, and he shook his head to banish the mirage. [b][color=#d896ff]"Warning? No, doesn't look urgent. Go back, perhaps. I think they've resolved the situation. Let's go."[/color][/b] One last look at the end of the tunnel, where he could somewhat see shapes urgently trying to break through. [b][color=#d896ff]"Once we're sure the path is secure, we should come back to tell them to leave from the castle. I doubt anyone will mind, at this point."[/color][/b]