[@Calle] [@Zool][@Crusader Lord] [@xenon] [color=a36209][b][h1] [center]Joji Yamazaki [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Joji didn’t really think the name of the group was that great, but it would have to do. Listening to the guild master answering the other’s questions, and explaining what kind of contracts they had. The large man stayed silent while everyone else was talking. He was taking in everything that was going on around him. It didn’t seem likely they would be able to get any information is doing the lowly contracts. Perhaps doing these “gold” contracts could lead to them finding out something about the cube. “[color=a36209]What kind of jobs would we be getting if we do these gold contracts? Is there something better than the gold contracts?[/color]” Joji crossed his arms with a blank look on his face. He was more than prepared to take a much harder contract. “[color=a36209]Perhaps me, Mackenzie, Zell, and Fenna could do the diamond or platinum contracts. And the rest of you could do the gold ones?[/color]” A suggestion that perhaps the others would take, but it sounded a little arrogant. But perhaps he shouldn’t be complaining, since a gold contract could be a good way to get some money. He looked over toward Lilianna and walked over to her, “[color=a36209]If you like I can stick with you, I don’t mind helping ya out.[/color]” He felt like he should protect the scared girl. He didn’t want to lose another group member.