Zara tilted her head curiously as if to judge if he would be a good candidate for her children in the future. He was attractive enough, for definite. He seemed caring enough as well, but would it be a good fit? This wasn't something she needed to consider at any time in the near future. They had only kissed once, or twice, for heavens sakes. Did that second hasty kiss count? She wouldn't minded to bare his children some time in the future, she just hoped he'd be agreeable as well. She was lost in thought, not hearing his questions until he handed her the dish and food. What had he asked her? Why couldn't she focus on the moment? Why must her mind always wander off like that? "I'm sorry, I kind of spaced out there for a moment. You asked me something and I completely did not hear it." She blushed nervously and began to eat the mole rat steak. "For having no seasoning on it, this is actually very good. I'd like to see what you could do with a fully stocked kitchen and more than a firepit to cook over. You must show me one day, when we get somewhere to do so."