Jinny listened to Gizmo in shameful silence. Her hands needed to work, so she reloaded her weapon. How had it gone empty that fast? "Migraines suck ass." She agreed quietly. After setting up an accuracy course that would allow thinking time before each shot, she continued. "I only get 'em when I'm overdoing it with my power. But [i]that's[/i] never happened before." Her vision was still blurry. Focusing on the tiny, occluded targets on the field was difficult. If this had been the actual test, she would fail. "I dunno why anyone would dare make fun of you. I mean, you're small, but whatever - just makes you a harder target. By the time they're done laughing, you could pop 'em from orbit." Clearly, she was trying to make amends in her own way. "How'd you do that earlier, with the chain? I could practically see the numbers but..." Another target dropped as Jinny nicked it with an off center shot. "I can calculate a lot, but not that fast."