[center][h1][u]Mizumoto Park, Katsushika Ward[/u][/h1] [h2]June - 18:02[/h2][/center] [hr] It was going to be dark soon. Tamaki didn't mind, though. It meant less people being out and about, which she was all for. It was dark and cool, nobody to bother her with questions, no stupid tourists asking for directions in broken Japanese. [i][b]SMACK!![/b][/i] Of course, the mosquitoes were out in force. The little parasites were almost as annoying as that one extroverted girl in class who seemed to radiate sunshine and wanted to be friends with everyone. [i]Dealing with that in the morning is the worst[/i], thought Fujiwara. She glanced around, and, seeing a bench, took a seat. The young woman took out her phone and opened up her most-used app. She was greeted by the loading screen, and a real-time map popped up on her screen. In the corner of the screen was a little alert, and she smiled. Kuro had found something while she was out walking. The little Digimon warbled and cooed, blinking its big eye. Kuro had been the first Digimon she'd hatched, a Kuramon. It wasn't a species that many people sought out, but it was cute. Tamaki smiled as she collected the item from the Digimon, who continued his gurgling and cooing. She swiped her finger on the screen, the action translating into the little Digimon being pet. Kuro gave a purr, wiggling the tentacles (feelers?) on his head happily. She was quite fond of the little critter, and sometimes she wished that the Tsumemon was real, so she could hold and cuddle the little Digimon when days were bad.