[center][h1][color=cyan]Cynthia Schovajsa[/color][/h1][/center] Suddenly, another gateway opened, inside a marble arch at the end of a nearby stone walkway. Inside was pure white, but it wasn't a light; it was snow. Frigid air burst into the area from within, but nothing and no-one was visible against the whiteout for a few moments. Then, at once, two single-file lines of reptilian lizard people with heads like komodo dragons burst onto the scene, some wearing veils over their faces and bearing the red and black banners of their nation, heralding the arrival of what appeared to be some kind of military parade. They stood silently on each side of the walkway, awaiting the arrival of their god and champion. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvi-88YxSoQ[/youtube][/center] It began with an orc king, dressed in like manner to a sultan, carrying a white and blue sword that looked like some kind of holy blade. He was flanked by two masked oni, one with red skin and one with blue, carrying massive spiked war clubs, which they drove into the stone floor twice with every fourth step. Then, a pair of six-armed lamia emerged from the portal, dancing and juggling scimitars, flanked on each side by more orcs and oni beating war drums and shouting. Behind them, a taller reptilian woman with a human face emerged, walking arm-in-arm with a beautiful tengu princess with short black hair who looked nothing short of thrilled to be in that exact place in the parade, waving her free hand around to anyone who looked in her direction. The reptilian woman with long white hair, meanwhile, tried to remain stoic, but her face betrayed just a hint of distaste for the opulence of the proceedings. Unlike the lamia that preceded her, she was dressed for the weather she'd just come from, and had the look of a soldier about her. "[i]Schovajsa! (Hide yourselves!) Schovajsa! (Hide yourselves!)[/i]" the lesser lizardfolk cried, covering and turning their faces away and falling to their knees in a dramatic display that bordered on worship as the white-haired woman passed them. The ones fortunate enough to carry banners simply put one hand over the veils on their faces and solemnly bowed, keeping their flags upright. Behind the pair of royals who seemed to be the center of attention, a smaller lamia girl with only two arms and a smile that could melt the ice caps waved a blue and silver flag around with the kind of energy only a child could. She seemed to be cheerleading for an aquatic nation whose representatives could not be present. At the very end of the parade was Dominus himself, the infamous god of war and likely the one responsible for this entire charade. He was the "go before me" kind of god, choosing to bring up the rear behind his champion rather than lead the vanguard. But, with so many formidable-looking warriors present—who was the champion? The orc king bowed to the gathering of champions and deities present—but he stood to the side, as did the two fierce-looking oni and dancing lamia, who sheathed their swords with flair and poise. One of them pulled the little lamia girl aside, shushing her excited giggles. The tall woman with the soldier-like bearing stepped to the front of the group, the tengu princess letting go of her arm reluctantly, and the orc king handed the holy sword to her with a nod of respect. She placed it in the empty scabbard at her side with some force, causing a low booming sound like a distant peal of thunder, leaving her audience with a single question: who was this woman, whose appointment as champion of a god of war was supported by multiple nations, and who could convince an orc king to be her sword-bearer? She kneeled as Dominus approached from behind, and remained there until he planted a hand on her shoulder and bade her in a loud voice: "Rise, Cynthia." She obeyed, returning to her feet and bowing to her future comrades and their patron gods with her right arm over her chest. Dominus dismissed the gathering behind her with a wave of his hand as she spoke. [color=cyan]"[i]Gokigenyou (Good day)[/i] to the morning thtarss and their illuminant oness."[/color] The sight of a forked tongue and reptilian fangs greeted the assembly as she spoke, slurring her speech somewhat. "Hmph. Let your sword speak for you, girl. You've not the gift for pleasantries," Dominus chided. Cynthia bowed to the others in apology, using her cape for a curtsy, and remained silent as she left the stone walkway, joining the others on the verdant field. Aside from her long, flowing white hair and lack of facial scars, she lacked any delicate features. Her face was severe and stoic, and her eyes slightly wild, especially as they both occasionally glanced in different directions independently of one another as she sized up the group, though it was clearly a habit she was trying to fight. She dressed the part of a solider, but walked with a certain noble bearing that was unmistakable, despite doing so perched on the toes of her bare, dinosaur-like feet, with claws that were covered with caps of bright red wax. She didn't offer to let anyone shake her hand—though with those claws, maybe they were better off.