[center] [i][h1]Howdy~Hey! I'm Citrus![/h1] I've been roleplaying for several years! Mostly romance stuff, but general adventure has started to capture my interest lately! I am not great at search threads, I actually hate writing them. These ideas I couldn't contain any longer, and I'd like to finds someone interested in them! Reach out to me with questions, via PM.[/i] [hider="Over the Top" Space Fantasy Epic] [table] [row] [cell] [h1]"Over the Top" Space Fantasy Epic[/h1] [h3]Outlaws and Bounty Hunters[/h3]Rich colorful Space adventure, with a overall wholesome vibe [hr] [u]Nothing Grim-Dark, Absolute Pass[/u] [/cell] [cell] [img]https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/08/08/20/08/fantasy-2612553_960_720.jpg[/img] [hr] [/cell] [/row] [row] [cell] [img]https://e0.pxfuel.com/wallpapers/183/455/desktop-wallpaper-beautiful-fantasy-future-space-alien-battle-fought-over-germany-future-planet.jpg[/img] [hr] [/cell] [cell] . [center].[/center] [right].[/right] [hr] Enough credits can make you effectively immortal. Enough credits can also make you a target. Simply put Money, makes the world go round... chasing you. [/cell] [/row] [row] [cell] Our characters could be anyone, the fantasy is real here. [hr] Mom and Pop Bounty hunters, hunting down run away crooks. Like some Cowboys, making fun and janky adventurers maintaining our ship. We could be elite protectors, traveling through a wayword galaxy making wrongs as right as possible. Encountering cultures we never imagined, and slowly finding out who our characters are. An unlikely duo thrust together, in a wayward adventure to clear our names, after having a tragedy pinned to our names. We would have to be quick thinking, harmless scoundrels, out to steal ships to get around, and search for the evidence to clear our names. Some combinations of all of these, in a big family dynamic Roleplay! [hr] [/cell] [cell] [img]https://w0.peakpx.com/wallpaper/184/724/HD-wallpaper-star-citizen-spaceship.jpg[/img] [hr] [/cell] [/row] [row] [cell] [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/95/8e/d5/958ed50444ca1f3144997a2134c96e54.jpg[/img] [/cell] [cell] I'm looking to capture the playful, and unrealistic aspects of a space themed roleplay, like Guardians of the Galaxy. Not that I think grim space fantasy isn't fun, or anything... I just really want to have some fun! I picture bright, colorful ships and worlds. Loveable rogues, Mischievous but all together unharmful. Not that I want stakes to be non-existent, but I want them to be less grim. I want the next loveable moment to always be a scene away, even when facing certain doom, I'd like for there to be wholesome, loveable, or playful tones to the interactions of our characters. My ideal partner would be someone unafraid to play multiple roles, and create characters on the spot. The universe is a vast world, that our characters will be exploring. Creating experiences for the crewmates, or just our main characters that involve one time, or small part characters is a necessity. LOVE. Love is a focus for me in all my Roleplays, though not always romantic. I like to explore Familial bonds, one sided romances, friendship, and kinship between large casts of characters. A character doesn't need to be a part of the main cast to find a special place with our characters. Flexible. I sometimes take days to respond, it's just how things are. I typically am up for conversation daily, but posting in our story is a important thing for me... and I won't respond unless I know I can give it the effort required. [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider] [hider=Upbeat Recovery of a Fantasy World] [table] [row] [cell] [h1]Upbeat Recovery of a Fantasy World[/h1] [h3]Dark and Light[/h3]The war is over, but the signs and trauma are still there. The country is rebuilding, and citizens are healing. [hr] [u]"It takes a village"[/u] No, seriously. I want to explore the idea that a country doesn't just bounce back after a war. [/cell] [cell] [img]https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/31/56/52/360_F_531565255_3QAOX9d5SbMdPkVkl6D6KwTz9UPpixXY.jpg[/img] [hr] [/cell] [/row] [row] [cell] [img]https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/44/81/77/360_F_344817722_hpHnAX4VgU9vCcYmKeoiWl9nVpOoflXD.jpg[/img] [hr] [/cell] [cell] . [center].[/center] [right].[/right] [hr] A bloody and grim war was waged. The heroes claimed victory, if only just for now. The sudden clearing of certain doom, has left people shaken. Cries ring out, some happy for freedom, other grieve the lost souls. Together we stand, together... Brick by Brick, we will rebuild our home. [/cell] [/row] [row] [cell] Again, our characters are free here. [hr] The heroes who vanquished evil, now must find where they belong when there is no more fighting. Devastated soliders who find comfort in the idea they aren't alone. That danger isn't coming for them every time they blink. Civilians who survived a siege, the darkness and horrors they saw live on in their minds. They have to find a way to cope, and live with the evil they've seen. [hr] [/cell] [cell] [img]https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/51/29/84/360_F_551298446_8Ep1KqNXbVlGr0wB2Tq0ir2TQl7qcMA4.jpg[/img] [hr] [/cell] [/row] [row] [cell] [hr] [img]https://cdn.openart.ai/stable_diffusion/44e966666a2ee8983215bfaa0b91a990418726c0_2000x2000.webp[/img] [/cell] [cell] This is definitely a bittersweet prompt. I want to feel the lingering effects of evil, and darkness... but I'd like for them to be memories, nightmares, and trauma rather than breathing terrors. Again I don't mind playing a cast of characters here, that evolve and grow closer as they depend on each other for support. I would also like to contrast the deep seeded fear and darkness, with unbelievable happiness, joy, and an upbeat setting. The country is free, and able to pick themselves up. Partying and festivals, general celebrations. Fireworks, and feasts! We don't have to get into making the logistics work, I'd rather not explore the political side of things. Nobody is trying to play the games of thrones here, the country just suffered through years of war. The fairytale ending is in store for the survivors. [hr] My ideal partner would be someone unafraid to play multiple roles, and create characters on the spot. LOVE. Love is a focus for me in all my Roleplays, though not always romantic. I like to explore Familial bonds, one sided romances, friendship, and kinship between large casts of characters. A character doesn't need to be a part of the main cast to find a special place with our characters. Flexible. I sometimes take days to respond, it's just how things are. I typically am up for conversation daily, but posting in our story is a important thing for me... and I won't respond unless I know I can give it the effort required. [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider] [/center]