[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230606/241ece9cf2dfdc7b20bdf94a306c97bd.png[/img][/center] Zero watched with fascination as the variety of gods and their attendants arrived in a steady stream through various portals. One god even arrived with an entire entourage of attendants and followers, all of different species and intriguing morphologies. While the display was quite impressive, it seemed perhaps ostentatious. They all knew why they were here, and who they were each dealing with, so the possible reason for such a display was lost on Zero. Gods were usually free of the follies of mortals, such as their inability to comprehend perspectives outside of their own. As more gods and champions arrived, Zero observed that they were the only party that had arrived alone, at least by all surface appearances. While it had all of the power and perspective of a god, Genesis unfortunately was truly bound to its physical form, and therefore its planet-sized flesh could not travel much of anywhere. Despite this, Zero was still in communion with Genesis through a powerful psionic link, though at the present moment that link was dormant. There was nothing here that required the direct attention of Genesis, and Zero had all knowledge pertinent to the situation secure in their bio-matrix. There was no possible way for them to store the godlike intelligence and universal knowledge of Genesis within their conveniently mobile flesh, but they were still able to retain a shocking large chunk of it. That said, there was still plenty of room left in their skin to learn more. Entirely new universes needed to be explored, understood, and perhaps tasted. Genesis had already poured billions of Red Heralds-- independent bioforms far simpler than Zero-- into any universe it could breach for purpose of reconnaissance, but Zero was far from some simple scout. Evolution Zero was everything that Genesis could never be: an explorer, an ambassador, a missionary, and-- if needed-- a soldier. Initially they were most interested in the hybrid bioforms exhibited in the large retinue surrounding the god Dominion, but after watching another champion literally fall into their throng, they decided against it. "[color=C0C0C0]But of course, life-giving lady.[/color]" Zero answered with perfect, crisp diction. There was not even the slightest unnatural resonance to their voice; their mimicry was perfect. "[color=C0C0C0]I could not serve Genesis were I not agreeable to life outside the communion.[/color]" Addressing the others who might have been interested, they said, "[color=C0C0C0]I apologize that my creator could not join us. I have the full confidence and authority of Genesis, and may act in its stead. I might say, 'treat me as though I were Genesis,' but I would not presume to be so arrogant. Please treat me as a loyal ally and companion.[/color]"