ATTN: [@PaulHaynek], [@AzureKnight] (Shizuka), & [@The Irish Tree] (Liliana)[hr][hider=Mad, Mad, Murky Waters, Part I]"[color=976f29]A plan to get us killed, perhaps,[/color]" Alice says, as she looked to the misty sea and the ships anchored within. "[color=976f29]There's two ships, making a fifty/fifty chance that you'll find the right one, firstly, and secondly, your combat potential is garbage - that's the truth of the matter,[/color]" she says, "[color=976f29]Even if you can sneak up on jailor, what then? How are you going to free this woman? How are you getting her off the ship? How are you getting her to the beach? How are you getting her to safety? So on, so forth...[/color]" "[color=976f29]I am very Human-passing,[/color]" Alice returned to the track, as she continued, "[color=976f29]I'm anything, but, of course. But, the Varjans don't know that. All they'll see is a roughed up, captured Shizuyaman woman for trade,[/color]" Alice smirked, "[color=6083ff][i]Blissfully unaware of the paralytic spores I'll be exhaling under the cover of the fog. Providing they vote, of course. They could have a means to suss me out, perhaps resistance, or even refuse the trade that, I, too, have a fifty/fifty chance of correctness on. Regardless, it's much safer than sending my poor Lili-chan out there...[/i][/color]" Alice turned her head to the swordsman, "[color=6083ff][i]Do you have any old dresses of your daughter's? A potato sack might do better, though. Also, I need you to punch me, Shizuka. Really sell the capture slave look. If you need incentive -- [/i][/color]" Alice grabbed Carroll by the throat from behind, and tightened her grip. Normally, the bond between Cursed Sword and Host was unchangeable, and set in stone by the weapon; however, Carroll was no normal Cursed Sword, and shifted her form to suit the combat style of her Host. For decades, she'd maintained the axe she was born as, thanks to her previous Alice, so she'd forgotten [i]the pain.[/i] It was like breaking a bone and resetting it with tweezers. It was like burning your skin to muscle and cleaning it with sandpaper. It was like slashing your skin and stitching it with a dull needle. Before all, Carroll was locked in a silent scream; a weapon made a woman, yet her true nature was exposed, as Alice peeled back her fingertips, so she could touch the Cursed Sword. Crimson, angular fissures opened on her skin, as the soft cream turned dull steel, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head from the pain of being consciously reforged. Her body locked in a rhythmic series of convulsions, as it fought to maintain itself; rippling between faux flesh and bone and demonic metal and wood. Suddenly, there was one sound, as Alice dug her perfect fingernails into Carroll's throat: A dying woman's choked scream of pain. In the very instant that Alice dug her nails into Carroll’s throat, Alice would feel the sting of a lightning-soaked foot dig into her cheek, her face contorting from the force. She would suddenly find herself flung across their standing, stumbling and skidding on the ground. Her trek ended as she was slammed back-first into a boulder several yards away, leaving a sizable crater from the impact. Upheaved earth and skid marks could be seen trailing her path, torn bits of her dirt-covered dress also lined the ground. Her cheek having a burn mark on it from where the ronin kicked her. Shizuka, himself, paid no mind to the flung plant woman and instead focused his attention on Carroll. Holding her in his arms, he was attempting to pass more of his chi into her in the hopes of healing the pain she was going through. While his face was full of worry and concern for Carroll, for a brief moment there was a look of ire that he wore. [color=royalblue]”Satisfied, Alice?”[/color] He said coldly. Alice hissed, as she pulled herself forward; her cheek wasn't burned, but crumbling away. Rubbing the hole, she smirked. It was too easy to manipulate Humans, the ignorant, emotional creatures. Still, it was too early to act in full, so she let the wound close; a thick, dark bruise spreading across her cheek, as she dusted herself off. "[color=6083ff][i]An admirable performance,[/i][/color]" Alice says, as she returned, "[color=6083ff][i]I'd almost believe you felt something for that Cursed Sword of mine...[/i][/color]" "[color=976f29]Why don't you keep her, thinking about it?[/color]" "[color=808080][i]Nnnhh...[/i][/color]" Carroll groaned. Alice looked to the distant shore, and then fog-hidden ships. "[color=6083ff][i]Liliana, what's your spell list again?[/i][/color]" [color=f49ac2][b]"Um…depends,"[/b][/color] Liliana said. [color=f49ac2][b]"But I can turn invisible if I have Whimsy just catch a bunch of support magic!"[/b][/color] she said, still on the backfoot from Alice telling her that every detail of her plan was bad. [color=f49ac2][b]"But-but I know I can take down a lousy Varjan jailer no problem! And, and then I can just make her invisible too and slip out…"[/b][/color] "[color=976f29]Mayhaps, you can... However, as my First Bladeflower, there's more important things you could see to...[/color]" Alice says, squatting as extended a pointer finger. "[color=6083ff][i]That little fog cloud offers more than mere cover,[/i][/color]" Alice pressed her extended finger to her lips, and then blew a soft breath; exhaling smoke from between her lips. "[color=6083ff][i]A nice, little delivery system...[/i][/color]" Alice looked back, "[color=976f29]Are you done playing nursemaid, Shizuka? I'm curious, if you can expand upon this fog spell of yours from a safe distance. I've an idea that might work better than my previous idea.[/color]" [color=royalblue]”It can.”[/color] Shizuka responded. [color=royalblue]”I believe I understand what you’re aiming for, if I’m indeed correct.”[/color] He then looked at Carroll for a moment, who still appeared to be in some pain. He couldn’t be sure if giving her his chi helped relieve whatever Alice had done to her. She seemed to be doing a little better, at least. [color=royalblue]”My fog should work for your plans, Alice.”[/color] "[color=6083ff][i]Perceptive, aren't you,[/i][/color]" Alice smiled. Carroll's breathing had evened out, and calmed to a peaceful state; her body was healing from the Chi applied. Though, she wasn't regaining consciousness at the moment. Flying over to Carroll, Liliana would worriedly hover before her. [color=f49ac2][b]"...Lady Alice…why did you hurt Carroll?”"[/b][/color] "[color=6083ff][i]A Cursed Sword doesn't get hurt,[/i][/color]" Alice smiled, "[color=6083ff][i]Now, let's focus. We have more important things to consider,[/i][/color]" she says, "[color=976f29]A rusty, old sword is of little import to the mission at hand.[/color]" Liliana couldn’t have looked more scared of Alice’s words. …Carroll was…like Whimsy to her, wasn’t she? A weapon and a friend? So…why was she treating her like trash. [color=f49ac2][b]"...That’s not true,”"[/b][/color] Liliana said, closing her eyes and holding her sword. [color=f49ac2][b]"Whimsy, pretty please!"[/b][/color] she said, before the sword rapidly flashed buff spells on Carroll, each ending before finally hitting Greater Healing. [color=f49ac2][b]"...I don’t like it,"[/b][/color] Liliana said, putting her sword back on her back. [color=f49ac2][b]"...I don’t like the idea of a Queen that can throw away a friend."[/b][/color] Alice tilted her head. "[color=6083ff][i]How curious a statement,[/i][/color]" she says. For a moment, Alice looked a bit pensive, as if, thinking on the sad words of a fairy, before clapping her hands, "[color=6083ff][i]Anyways! Let's get underway with saving a poor girl, eh?[/i][/color]" Liliana frowned, but would nod slightly. [color=f49ac2][b]"Mm,"[/b][/color] she said, resolving to at least save the man’s daughter. [color=f49ac2][b]"I’ll bring the fog in and then find where her cell is."[/b][/color] Shizuka could tell that Alice was purposefully antagonizing him with her taunts and harsh words toward her weapon, and understood the reasoning thanks to Carroll’s explanation. Shizuka, of all people, should be more mindful to keep his emotions in check. Liliana also felt sympathy for the injured blade, casting her healing magic on the still unconscious Carroll. [color=royalblue]”Thank you, Lili-chan.”[/color] He said in a softer tone. [color=royalblue]”Again, be careful on your way. Alice, I trust you’ll perform your end of the plan without issue.”[/color] "[color=6083ff][i]If ever there were any doubt,[/i][/color]" Alice says, "[color=6083ff][i]Better question, can you keep the fog trail flowing without losing contact?[/i][/color]" [color=royalblue]”The fog will only go away unless it’s dispelled by me or someone else. Otherwise, I can keep it up as long as I have mana to spare.”[/color] replied the swordsman. [color=royalblue]”I suppose your confidence counts for something.”[/color] "[color=6083ff][i]Do you need mana, then,[/i][/color]" Alice asks, "[color=6083ff][i]I can make you a quick pick-me-up,[/i][/color]" she says, "[color=6083ff][i]You, as well, Lilianna.[/i][/color]" [color=f49ac2][b]"I’ll be okay,"[/b][/color] Liliana said, patting Whimsy’s pommel. [color=royalblue]”Your offer is appreciated, but you needn’t worry about me. Just watch out for yourself out there.”[/color] He replied to Alice. "[color=6083ff][i]I’m hardly going anywhere,[/i][/color]" Alice says, sitting down, cross-legged, as she started to breathe meditatively. "[color=6083ff][i]Alright. I’m focused. Shizuka, wrap the fog around me, so I can breathe into it,[/i][/color]" she says, "[color=6083ff][i]Liliana, be careful not to take unnecessary risks. If you start to feel numb, fall back.[/i][/color]" "[color=6083ff][i]It’s going to take all my focus to create the amount of spores needs to overpower and render two ships of that size unconscious, so... if you want to kill me, prime time, once I’m under,[/i][/color]" Alice beamed, before returning to her measured breathing. Shizuka would feel her Demon Energy well up; waiting on him... [color=royalblue]”Let’s focusing on helping the poor girl, Alice.”[/color] He retorted. With a clean motion of breath, Alice would find herself being surrounded by a stream of thick fog. It perfectly wrapped itself around a small space around her, making breathing it in quite a simple task. [color=royalblue]”Good to see you took your training seriously as well.”[/color] He saw no reason not to compliment her on her breathing technique and chi control. [color=royalblue]”There, while it is not normal fog, that should do you just fine.”[/color] "[color=976f29]Fly, my little Bladeflower,[/color]" Alice says, "[color=976f29]A tailwind favours you...[/color]" Liliana would blitz off as fast as her wings could carry her, rolling the fog in on wings of whimsy.[/hider]