[h2]Akira[/h2] "Do you know what the threat level is, Kubo?" Akira asked after a few moments to look at everyone filtering in. The redhead probably wouldn't know, she didn't know who that tall one was, and the new hire had literally just come in the front door... no chance that she would get an answer from [i]that[/i] direction. "I can go get everyone lunch, if I'm not needed." It wasn't that she didn't [i]want[/i] to take part, although that was true--when it came down to it, Akira was a small girl whose best action in a combat situation was to [i]stay out of the way.[/i] It was simply a matter of regulations: if the incursion could be handled safely without pulling in A-ranked contract, then she and Andrea were to stay put. Regardless of the contract, Andrea [i]was[/i] a potential enemy who could only be strengthened by an easy time.