[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/14VVKT4.png[/img][/center] [color=BACCE0][b][color=5BA6F7]Time:[/color][/b] Morning [b][color=5BA6F7]Location:[/color][/b] Riverport [b][color=5BA6F7]Interactions:[/color][/b] [@GingerBobOh] Enstille [@JJ Doe] Jun [@Helo] Zion [@Tae] Kenia [b][color=5BA6F7]Equipment: [/color][/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ca/f1/b6/caf1b6c9399e195016d472d6de4c2b41.jpg]Bow and quiver of arrows[/url], Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, [url=https://www.dndadventure.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/short-sword-700x675.jpg]short sword[/url], [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/60/7c/6c/607c6c019e31d39ec871b73c86d004bf.jpg]backpack[/url], a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender [b][color=5BA6F7]Attire: [/color][/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/70/55/75/70557505e2317767ad566c66d5ceca8d.jpg]His outfit[/url] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/o4yoa5q.png[/img][/center] The scene unfolded like a surreal dream, with each interaction carrying a hint of peculiarity. Zion attempted to convince Malachi that Jun's stealthiness was the cause of his constant attempts to escape, but Malachi couldn't help but question if the lion's perception was skewed or if animals simply had their limits of understanding. In his mind, he found his conclusion as Zion greeted the strange woman as if she were an old friend coming over for tea. Observing Zion warmly greet a random stranger who had mysteriously appeared with a basket of pastries, Malachi couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism. The stranger's sudden arrival seemed suspicious, and he narrowed his eyes as she retorted. [color=#95464E]"Well, well, aren't you a charming host?"[/color] His gaze sharpened as the blonde continued, [color=#95464E]"Here I am, bringing delightful baked goods to greet my new neighbors, and I'm met with such warmth and hospitality."[/color] She continued to later poke fun at him for not greeting her as nicely as Zion and for his spray bottle tactic. [color=#5BA6F7][i]...The spray bottle works.[/i][/color] [color=#5BA6F7]"Well, isn't that just a relief,"[/color] Malachi responded finally, rolling his eyes mockingly. [color=#5BA6F7]"I must say, your peaceful mission with baked goods is truly awe-inspiring. Who knew that the path to world harmony could be paved with pastries and neighborly intentions? You've surely cracked the code, haven't you?"[/color] He flashed a sarcastic smile. With a mixture of caution and annoyance, Malachi locked eyes with the gold-eyed woman. [color=#5BA6F7]"It's quite early in the morning... [i]Are you selling something or...?"[/i][/color] he asked dryly in a low voice. The effort put into making all those pastries solely for their benefit seemed peculiar, especially if there were no intentions of profiting from some sort of door-to-door baked goods sale. [color=LemonChiffon]"I'm sorry." [/color] [right][sub][color=FFB650][i]Father... I'm sorry.[/i][/color][/sub][/right] Malachi paused. He had heard the small voice through the chaos and looked over his shoulder, his eyes following Jun as he disappeared into the house. He tapped his foot thoughtfully, deep in contemplation, before turning his attention back to Zion and Kenia. Letting out a sigh, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a few amas, tossing them to Zion. [color=#5BA6F7]"Zion, buy some of her pastries, and then kindly let her move on,"[/color] Malachi instructed, his voice carrying a hint of urgency. Hurriedly, Malachi made his way back inside the house, his eyes darting to the sound of the wind against the window, before they slowly slid to Jun, wheezing at the end of the table. In that brief moment, a vivid memory surfaced in his mind—the image of a small blonde child, his face buried in his arms as he cried. He was seated at the end of a white table, while a little girl attempted to bring him comfort, her arms wrapped around her brother from behind. Malachi's expression contorted momentarily, the pain of the past resurfacing before he shook his head. Even after all these years, the memories found a way to haunt him. Gradually, the human's wheezing subsided, as he seemed to discover some method to calm himself. Clearly, herding the young man like cattle was taking a toll. Malachi surveyed his surroundings first and then approached Jun with measured steps. [color=#5BA6F7]"Jun... Can we talk?"[/color] he asked, his voice softer this time. [color=#5BA6F7]"Look."[/color] He set the spray bottle down on a side table before taking another step. [color=#5BA6F7]"I come unarmed."[/color] [/color]